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The Ski Lodge (aka Teachers Lounge) 1-24-2017


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May it be a Terrific Tuesday!


My son made brownies last night. He MIGHT let you have one or two if you ask nicely!  :D


What's your weather/forecast today? Here: It's 41*F here (was 39*F when I woke up) right now. High of 56*F today.


Who's schedule for today has changed just this morning? Here: was supposed to meet with some business partners this morning but that was cancelled due to illness (not mine, thankfully). Probably a good thing it was cancelled, though, since I'd forgotten I'd made arrangements for my son to meet up with a friend at about the same time! However, if I'd known I didn't have the meeting, I wouldn't have set my alarm to wake me up this morning!  :p


Who keeps telling themselves "I need to exercise" and doesn't? Here: ME!  :rolleyes:


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Weather/Forecast: It's 60 right now going up to 78.


Schedule Change: Sort of.  Cameron just left to go do some work for a rich Mexican guy who has a house near us.  He occasionally calls Cameron to do a little day laboring.  Today is easy.  Just cleaning out and washing the man's (very expensive and amazing) car.  So that means Cameron won't be going with us to taekwondo (no biggie - he took class last night and is sore from that anyway).


Need to exercise and don't: Again, sort of.  I walk at least 10,000 steps a day and take taekwondo twice a week so I get a lot of exercise in whether I mean to or not.

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So far my day is not shaping up to be terrific, but I'm hoping for improvement. Mr LDR & I are having rocky issues lol. It's hard to fix things when there is a little over 1000 miles between you :( 


Weather: Pretty much the same as Butter, but our high is supposed to be 81 I think. 


Schedule: Today is packed. It's changed twice already this morning. 


Exercise: Ya...I don't get enough. But I get lots walking to and from the bus though. 

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Today is still unseasonably warm here, with a temp of 33*. There is rain headed our way later on and it will change over to snow tonight and tomorrow.


Schedule change: I was planning on doing our weekly errands/bookstore run today, but decided to put it off. Somehow, we'll squeeze it into the next couple of days, even though my kids have busy schedules this week.


Exercise: I get loads of exercise every single day, whether I want to or not. With six horses to care for, I lift a lot of bales and water buckets and shovel a lot of manure!

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Exercise: I get loads of exercise every single day, whether I want to or not. With six horses to care for, I lift a lot of bales and water buckets and shovel a lot of manure!

I like it when the exercise is part of the work! Then I don't need to figure out a separate exercise program!

Need help on the farm?  :D

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So cute!  My daughter (almost 17) just texted me saying she understands the things about twins depending on each other now.  I asked her why and she said it's because Cameron's (15) working at a different taekwondo school today and she's feeling really weird without him there with her.  Awwwww!

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Yep, I keep meaning to exercise more. Part of the problem is that this year, my oldest is too old for the Y's childwatch program where they'll watch your kid while you exercise, but too young to be allowed on the treadmill next to me. Last year he was young enough for childwatch, and next year he'll be old enough for the treadmill, but this year he's falling in the gap. I've complained, but...

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