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recommendation letters


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Hypothetically speaking, if one were to send a recommendation letter via FedEx so that it arrives at the scholarship office on the day of the deadline, and one receives an email notification from FedEx that the letter was signed for at 2:14 p.m. on the correct day, is it safe to assume that everything is okay and the student's eligibility for scholarships will not be in danger?


Edited by musicianmom
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Hypothetically - yes. You have notification that everything was received by the deadline so you should be good.


I've "heard" that colleges often have a slightly later deadline for recommendation letters if all the supporting student data is in.


It wouldn't hurt to call the college and confirm that everything is in order.

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I know that University of Georgia and Georgia Tech both accept recommendations up to a week later than the application deadline. How do I know this? Well, let's just say that we get an email from the counseling department at our school every year telling us that is the case so not to panic. Your friend is not the first or the last (or the only) recommender who waited until the last minute.

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