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Ark Encounter (KY)


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Has anyone visited the Ark attraction? We are looking for something to do as a day trip, and I'm wondering if it is worth it. We'd have to drive several hours each way.


I'm feeling a bit ambivalent. I think it would be interesting to see the structure, but, even though I'm a Christian, I'm not sold on the organization's worldview (we would not visit the Creation Museum).


If it is a fun family activity, though, I'm willing to spend a day doing it. We only have a couple of days free this week, and we'd like to take a little trip somewhere.

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There was a full page article about it in the Chicago Tribune. The author talked about how it was fun but that he didn't agree with it.


It is pretty expensive... I don't know that I'd spend that much money without supporting the organization. 


I would not go because of that. If it were cheap, maybe.



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I have never been, but I have a friend who has been and her kids are junior high/high school age. She said there is a lot of reading (if you are so inclined) and it took them at least a few hours to get through it all.  They really enjoyed it.


Of course Ken Ham (the founder) is a strict seven-day Creationist, so you know all the information is going to be from that perspective. Also some aspects are going to be their interpretation of how things might have been set up. However, I think it would be worthwhile to go just to get a feel for the scale, etc.   The only reason we haven't gone is that my husband was not a fan of the Creation museum itself because he is an OE Christian.  The reason I haven't brought the kids is because my kids are younger (9 and 11) and I think I might be better off waiting a year or so.


FYI, and possibly of interest, they have Christmas lights, etc. outside the Creation museum on the grounds you can see for free and those might be worth seeing while you are out that way. I have heard they are quite pretty.

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Thanks! Yes, it seems expensive. But it would be a good time to go, because the entrance fee is 50% off if you enter after 5 pm (they are open until 9, and four hours sounds like plenty of time). Plus this year three of my four children will get in at the children's price, but within a year and a half they will all be at the adult price, so it would cost a lot more in the future.


We haven't decided yet. My children love museums generally but don't have much patience for reading displays, so I'm not sure that they would love it. We might look for something do do that would be a shorter drive.

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