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The Prep & Landing Lounge 12-12-2016


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Happy Monday, everyone!


I'll be out for a bit as I finally have an ER-follow up appointment with my PCP at the VA. That only took 2 1/2 weeks and a phone call with a snippy nurse. Anyway, I'll be out most of the morning. There is some coffee and coffee cake here in the Lounge. Help yourself!


Anyone else have a virus making the rounds in there family? Here: yes. It's hit 3:4 of us and I'd like it to go away!


What errands do you have today? Here: my appt at the VA, followed by dropping off papers with the personal injury attorney.

Then I may very well come home and take a nap!


Anyone else ready for Christmas break yet? Here: even though we have a lot of schoolwork to get through, some behind, I am SO ready!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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We're now on week 5, I think, of passing the cold around.  Thankfully we're also looking at high temps of 70s in our area, so I'll be airing the place out today and throwing sheets on the line.


Today's Monday, which means most of town is shut down still.  Lots of places here take their weekends on Sun/Mon.  We don't bother running errands at the beginning of the week unless we absolutely have to.


Oh, and I am certainly ready for Christmas break!  I figured it was time when I was annoyed that one child has a holiday today and I'm looking longingly at boxed curriculum for the other child.  We're doing only some of our regulars this week and next and breaking out the holiday crafting instead.

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HomeAgain, what area of the world are you in where the weekend is Sun/Mon and majority of stores are closed on Monday?


Well, I call it the center of hell. :lol:  It's a small town in Tx with a lot of mom&pop places, so they open on Saturday, but even the coffee shops are closed the first two days of the week. Same with our library, art museum, and so forth.  Walmarts, though, we have 5 of those, so if I need something I can pop over.  It just doesn't make much sense to do only that, though, and push everything else to Tuesday.

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Just got home a bit ago from running errands. Thankfully it has warmed back up here again. 


No virus here thankfully, but I am being extra careful to avoid it. Lots of hand washing, lysol wipes for carts, and staying away from anyone coughing or sneezing. 


Errands: Done for the day! Well mostly :) Had to go pick up some things this morning, run by the bank, and make it home. Now I'm waiting on a phone call back from my insurance company and considering putting up our outdoor lights. 


So ready for Christmas break! We are already off from school, but from now until the 22nd I have somewhere I have to go every day. It will be a very long and tiring week! After the 22nd I need to reassess our schooling plans for the second term - Khan academy added Grammar today and I want to see if it would work better for dd than the workbook we are currently using. 

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