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so I very badly want to figure out tapering the PPIs


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I went 34 hours now.  I felt something brewing so I took one.  That's still an amazingly long time for me so I'm trying to be hopeful here.


Problem is, now what?  My basic idea is to not take it sooner than every 34 hours.  If I try to schedule it as specifically every 34 hours I'll have to wake up and take it and that's not happening.  So I have to wait at least 34 hours.  Not sure if this makes any darn sense though. 


I just can't figure anything else out.  Everything I read on-line talks about people who take more than one pill.  One guy said to cut the pills (I think this guy never saw these pills because you can't cut them...it was on some hokey sort of site, but that makes me mad...a whole other discussion).


I plan to eventually get to a doctor, but I'm kinda hoping to find a doctor who supports my desire to go off of them and I'm not feeling very hopeful I'll be able to do that easily.


I have made some changes that have helped and I think will continue to help.  At the very least so far this has led to far fewer breakthrough symptoms (symptoms in between doses). 


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Can you take Zantac at the same time? Or at least Tums? 34 hours is great. Maybe try to up it 2-4 hours every two days. It would seem once you hit 72 hours you might be in the clear. If you can take Zantac I would be more aggressive and try increasing by six hours every two days.

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Can you take Zantac at the same time? Or at least Tums? 34 hours is great. Maybe try to up it 2-4 hours every two days. It would seem once you hit 72 hours you might be in the clear. If you can take Zantac I would be more aggressive and try increasing by six hours every two days.


I can take Zantac.  I only take it if I need it (breakthrough symptoms). 

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I have been on PPIs for over two years now, non-stop.  Never needed anything before stupid car crash. :-(    Without them - and still sometimes with them but far, far less frequent - I'd get the crushing PAIN that would build to an intolerable level within 15 - 20 seconds.  So I keep a small bottle of water, generic (non aspirin containing) "alka selter"   https://www.amazon.com/Picot-Gram-Packets-Uvas-Count/dp/B00ND9EF92/ref=sr_1_13_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1479517439&sr=8-13&keywords=antacid+packets  that dissolve fast, and  . gulped down, provide relief within seconds. I have a telescoping cup with me, too at all times. I have been told that if I ever do not get relief, it may be a heart attack as the pain is supposedly the same.  I think I'd rather risk the possible side effects of PPI than have to deal with stupid heartburn attacks on an almost daily basis.   Last time one broke through I was driving :-(  and almost didn't pull over fast enough to grab the water, cup and powder. I was not a happy camper (understatement). 


Would a Zantac pill work as fast?  I need instant relief.  By the second gulp of the (bad tasting but I don't care) fizzy, basically baking soda water the pain diminished 90%  then a nice, rude burp and all is well.   .

Edited by JFSinIL
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I have been on PPIs for over two years now, non-stop. Never needed anything before stupid car crash. :-( Without them - and still sometimes with them but far, far less frequent - I'd get the crushing PAIN that would build to an intolerable level within 15 - 20 seconds. So I keep a small bottle of water, generic (non aspirin containing) "alka selter" https://www.amazon.com/Picot-Gram-Packets-Uvas-Count/dp/B00ND9EF92/ref=sr_1_13_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1479517439&sr=8-13&keywords=antacid+packets that dissolve fast, and . gulped down, provide relief within seconds. I have a telescoping cup with me, too at all times. I have been told that if I ever do not get relief, it may be a heart attack as the pain is supposedly the same. I think I'd rather risk the possible side effects of PPI than have to deal with stupid heartburn attacks on an almost daily basis. Last time one broke through I was driving :-( and almost didn't pull over fast enough to grab the water, cup and powder. I was not a happy camper (understatement).


Would a Zantac pill work as fast? I need instant relief. By the second gulp of the (bad tasting but I don't care) fizzy, basically baking soda water the pain diminished 90% then a nice, rude burp and all is well. .

Zantac definitely isn't instant. I don't think anything is as instant as Alkaseltzer. I take Zantac as needed- but when my stomach was so irritated with gastritis due to allergy drops I took 150mg twice a day, unless the constant burning finally subsided. I stopped cold with no rebound after about five weeks. That's what I like about Zantac. It does have some long term risks as well but doesn't have the rebound effect for most that Prevacid has. I take it just as needed otherwise and keep a bottle of Tums on hand to help me until it kicks in.

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I've been on protonix for over four years. Heartburn is controlled as long as I take it. I've also been considering trying to wean off. My biggest issue is that I need to lose about 40 lbs, so may be better off losing the weight first. Anyway, from what I've read about weaning is to alternate the PPI with an H2 blocker. So PPI one day, 1-2 Zantac the next, PPI the following day. Do this for a week or two. Then, Go two days between PPI's, taking Zantac on the days between. Continue extending the time of PPI's until off, then wean down the Zantac. I'd use Gaviscon for any breakthrough reflux. I haven't tried this yet, but it is my plan when I do.

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Have you elevated your bed? Avoid trigger foods?


Yes to the bed. 

You know what is a trigger for me?  Water.  Yep.  Something about drinking a glass of water just makes everything slosh around (for lack of a better way of putting it).


That said, changes I've made have helped.  I just read that going off cold turkey can cause the acid production to ramp up past normal levels (rebound).  So all my efforts will possibly only go so far in terms of helping. 

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Get a Rx for 10 mg as a half dose. Not available OTC. Someone posted a 6 week taper schedule awhile back that started with a half dose every other day, keeping a full dose the other days.


Use alternate acid reducers as needed during the step down phase.


10 wouldn't be a half dose, but yeah that is something I'd like to do.  I don't know why the regular doc couldn't have just offered that.  She seems very pill happy. 

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Yes to the bed.

You know what is a trigger for me? Water. Yep. Something about drinking a glass of water just makes everything slosh around (for lack of a better way of putting it).


That said, changes I've made have helped. I just read that going off cold turkey can cause the acid production to ramp up past normal levels (rebound). So all my efforts will possibly only go so far in terms of helping.

Bottled water does it to me too! I had to experiment with different brands to find one that didn't. People thought I was crazy for saying water gave me heartburn but it did. I have a friend that swears by some type of alkaline water or something, but I've never tried it. She buys it at the health food store.


And make sure you sleep on your left side. It helps keep the reflux down at night.

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I have had a recent flare of reflux, and more than a few sips of water definitely is a trigger for me too. I am not on a PPI or any meds. I have read extensively about the issues with PPI's in an effort to help my mother get off them. Her PCP is less than helpful and just wants her to stay on them for the rest of her life!!! Without checking for Mg, Fe or B12 deficiency! Drives me nuts.


I have added Betaine HCl and given up coffee and those changes seem to help.

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Bottled water does it to me too! I had to experiment with different brands to find one that didn't. People thought I was crazy for saying water gave me heartburn but it did. I have a friend that swears by some type of alkaline water or something, but I've never tried it. She buys it at the health food store.


And make sure you sleep on your left side. It helps keep the reflux down at night.


Interesting, and yes I feel absurd for saying so, but water is a problem.  I can't not drink water though!

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I have had a recent flare of reflux, and more than a few sips of water definitely is a trigger for me too. I am not on a PPI or any meds. I have read extensively about the issues with PPI's in an effort to help my mother get off them. Her PCP is less than helpful and just wants her to stay on them for the rest of her life!!! Without checking for Mg, Fe or B12 deficiency! Drives me nuts.


I have added Betaine HCl and given up coffee and those changes seem to help.


Yeah I'm not feeling hopeful about the doctor so I'm going to try to figure this out on my own. 

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