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Should I get an electric roaster? Other turkey questions.


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We usually just cook a tiny turkey breast for Thanksgiving. This year, we're having family over so I have a 19 pound turkey in my freezer.


First, when and how do i thaw this thing??


Second, my kitchen is a mess. We one have one tiny wall oven. There are many things that need to be cooked in the single tiny wall oven on Thanksgiving. Should I get a big electric roaster for the turkey??

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Figure out now how you are going to thaw: http://www.myrecipes.com/how-to/cooking-questions/how-long-turkey-to-thaw.


My grandmother had a roaster as did an older friend who used to have a lot of people over. They were huge and required a lot of space to store.


Frankly there are many dishes you can make ahead of time and reheat. I'd do that before I'd buy a roaster.


Here's my favorite make-ahead turkey: https://barefootcontessa.com/recipes/make-ahead-roast-turkey. I'd allow around 2.5-3 hours for a 19-pounder, maybe more. Cook by temperature, not by time. I love not having to fret about the turkey on that day.


Last year I made the turkey and gravy and pies the day before. I also cut up the green beans and baked the cornbread for the stuffing. My daughter made cranberry sauce. Then that day I just had sides. I did the mashed potatoes in my crockpot, and just baked stuffing and green beans that day. I used store bought rolls that were popped in the over right after I took out the stuffing and green beans. They only took 5 minutes. 


I used to do the whole thing on Thanksgiving, and I'd get myself completely worn out. No more.

Edited by G5052
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A 19 lb. turkey needs to be thawed for 4-5 days in the fridge.


I only have one oven and have cooked many Thanksgiving meals.  Planning is key.  Figure out what can be made the day before and reheated, and then make a schedule for the items that need to be made on Thanksgiving.  

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Most things that need to be baked the day of thanksgiving can be put in the oven when the turkey comes out.

Sweet potatoes, stuffing, etc.

I do mashed potatoes early in the week and bake after the turkey is done.

Other ideas:

Crockpots . I saw dr oz today and they made mashed potatoes in the crockpot. One pot, no peeling, no water. Looked great.

Toaster oven will hold a casserole of whatever.

Can you borrow a roaster? They are great when you need them and yes, I have made turkey in one. Works great.

Rolls can be done ahead.

You can even make gravy ahead.

Pies. Day before.


Plan your menu.

Delegate what you can.

Figure out your timeline.


Best of luck!!

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