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2.5 month old very restless in early morning


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My 2.5 month old has started crying off and on, thrashing around, and being generally unhappy around 5 or 5:30 every morning.  He'll go back to sleep, but wakes frequently.  Before this he was sleeping til 7/7:30 in the morning.  He's been restless toward morning more often than not for a couple months, grunting and squirming a lot, but not like this.  When I give up on sleeping and take him upstairs, he lays on the floor happily until he gets tired again.  I've tried: putting him in bed with me, putting him in bed with DH, offering to nurse (he won't...not hungry and he doesn't comfort nurse), unswaddling him, rocking him (he sleeps in a Rock n Play), laying him on his stomach in a bassinet, and walking around with him.  Nothing really settles him for very long.  His diaper is only wet.  He's never taken a pacifier so that's not an option.  He does have reflux but it's mild as long as I don't eat things he has problems with.  Any ideas on what I might try to settle him, or what he might be unhappy about?

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If he's not hungry, sick, or wet, and he just wants to get up and play, I'd say that you have a morning person on your hands.You might as well just go with it. :)


I had one of those. It lasted until around age 12 and then it was all I could do to push him out of bed.

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Does he tend to wet right before or right after? He could just be really sensitive to a wet diaper or to the need to pee. I know a few of mine have definitely gotten restless during sleeping time if their diapers have been the least bit wet. Some of mine haven't cared, but a few really resisted having even a tiny bit of wet, and iirc, there have been a few where I changed a slightly damp diaper, they immediately peed in the fresh one, I changed it again, and they fell right back asleep.

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