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Nothing New/Mindful Spending Week 45


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new/unnecessary. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

So, this week my son turned 17. (On election day.) I bought him a video game and also gave him some cash. I made pound cake for him and Chicken Parmesan, which he requested. It turned out well.


Spent money at Michaels buying craft supplies for our co-op's Christmas craft day. This will be reimbursed, though.


I was supposed to get my hair done Thursday but I was too ill and cancelled. I spent $50 at urgent care because I was concerned about myself. I am being treated for Lyme Disease. I'll need to folow up with my regular doctor for a blood test to see if Lyme is indeed present. Also check thyroid while they're at it.


Dh and I went to a Straight No Chaser concert Wednesday night (although I bought tickets months ago). We would typically have dinner out as well, but I was unwell and didn't want to push it. Parking was only $3.

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Hmm. Groceries and gas this week along with a bunch of new dishes. We were in desperate need of plate, glasses, and mugs and this weekend was the annual Emile Henry warehouse sale. There were 4 other companies having a sale in the same warehouse. So I picked up 8 plates, 12 mugs, 16 glasses of 2 different sizes, some glass mixing bowls and storage containers, and a wonderful 4 qt Emile Henry dutch oven for $86. Now all we need is more spoons and we're set for ages.

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Oh Quill, I hope you feel better soon.


hjffkj I'm envious of your new dishes! Awesome!!


I'm back from my 17 day jaunt that was supposed to include a week at the beach with my grandkids. I never made it to their house...instead I spent a week taking care of MIL. She broke her hip, had surgery, and during the surgical workup they found stage 3 lung cancer.  She's still nowhere near recovered and almost a month after finding the cancer they still don't have a treatment plan ready to start.  But I learned a lot that week...the poor woman also has dementia. Seriously, this is the third time she's had cancer...how much is one woman supposed to handle? 


I won't lie- I was selfishly mourning my lost week with the grands at the beach. I live in a cold climate and really, really like the beach. 


Then I headed to Texas to the International Quilt Festival, which is something I've wanted to attend for years. Sensory overload. 1700 quilts on display and 1100 vendor booths. We were there for three days...from the moment they opened until they closed.  I cherish the time I was able to spend with my sister and it was lovely to catch up with some friends and get to hobnob with royalty in the quilting world. I saved the money for this and will not feel guilty that I spent money. It was a great week- I was able to visit Austin, San Antonio, New Braunfels, and Houston. 


Since I've been back dh and I had a day date that included breakfast out...$7. And tomorrow we are going on a day trip with the two kids who still live here.  We just need to reconnect...the past month has been crazy. So we'll have gas expense and lunch cost and maybe find something fun to do along the way.  


Niece and nephew arrive Thursday for a visit that is going to be WAY too long. But the flights were booked before I realized how long they are staying.  So I'll probably go over budget doing things with them and fixing meals. 



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Annie -- sorry you didn't get time with your grandkids


Quill -- hope you are better soon


hjkffkj -- awesome deal!!


Dss and I went to lunch with a couple other hs moms and their dc.  Really shouldn't have spent the money but it wasn't expensive and we really enjoyed the time. 


Bought dss each some needed clothes. 


Bought a diffuser and essential oils (kit I accidentally found and had the oil I needed).  Dss are stuffy and I was hoping this would help.


Bought some stuff ds needed for a project and a couple grocery items.


Bought MIL Christmas present.



I am in the mood to do some Christmas shopping but have 0 money right now.   



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  • Horse riding lesson.  $110 for 2 kids.

Need to place an Amazon order before my coffee and my kids' vitamins run out.  I should probably order the kid Christmas gifts too, and get it over with.  Also a couple December / January kid birthdays.

Too busy to spend much else.

Not sure if my kids' basketball season will cost me anything or not.  It depends on whether they can use the same jerseys they used for volleyball.  Sounds like maybe not.  :/

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I'm back from my 17 day jaunt that was supposed to include a week at the beach with my grandkids. I never made it to their house...instead I spent a week taking care of MIL. She broke her hip, had surgery, and during the surgical workup they found stage 3 lung cancer. She's still nowhere near recovered and almost a month after finding the cancer they still don't have a treatment plan ready to start. But I learned a lot that week...the poor woman also has dementia. Seriously, this is the third time she's had cancer...how much is one woman supposed to handle?

Good Lord! That is awful! So sorry.

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Sending Quill good health wishes and extra hugs to Annie. I'm glad you had some quality time with sister and friend at the quilt show.  You deserved a good respite!


I drove to two area farms earlier in the week in order to stock up on some items before the farm stands close for the season.  Annually I buy a bushel of sweet potatoes which spend the winter in my garage.  This year, because of the flooding from Hurricane Matthew, one farmer had a smaller crop. He was only selling sweets by the pound--not the bushel unless I paid the per pound price. I was able to buy some lovely winter squash from him though as well as shiitake mushrooms.  I dehydrated the caps of the latter and froze the stems for soup stock.


Another farm stand had sweet potatoes--not their own but from an inland farm that harvested before the flooding.  So I was able to buy my sweets and a quantity of "second" NC mountain apples.  On Wednesday I made a massive pot of applesauce which I then canned.  And still I had apples.  So I made an apple pie which I baked, another for the freezer (unbaked--this is an experiment) and some apple pie filling which is now frozen for an eventual third pie.


I should have finished stitching felt Christmas ornaments for grand nephews but distraction was in the air this week.  Still progressing (slowly) on my knitted Christmas gifts.


The plumber made a call this week.  In the silence of the middle of the night I heard water running in the pipes when everything appeared to be turned off.  Turned out we had a pinhole leak under the house.  (There is a high water table where I live so houses generally are on pilings or crawlspaces.  Mine is the latter.)  We don't think this has been going on too long so fortunately there is no other apparent damage.


Date night last night: dinner out and the symphony.  We made a romantic run to the library beforehand. ;)

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I went to the Mennonite farm and stocked up before he closes for the year. I got a bushel of broccoli, 5 bushels of apples, 25lbs of potatoes, 15lbs of carrots, 50lbs of onions and some more odds and ends for 65. Now to can applesauce and pie filing.


We also adopted a puppy a little over three weeks ago, so I have been stocking up on toys and extra beds for him. The small animals placed well in two pet shows/contests. They brought home some gift cards for pet supplies and treats.

Edited by itsheresomewhere
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I went to the Mennonite farm and stocked up before he closes for the year. I got a bushel of broccoli, 5 bushels of apples, 25lbs of potatoes, 15lbs of carrots, 50lbs of onions and some more odds and ends for 65. Now to can applesauce and pie filing.


We also adopted a puppy a little over three weeks ago, so I have been stocking up on toys and extra beds for him. The small animals placed well in two pet shows/contests. They brought home some gift cards for pet supplies and treats.



Yowsers.  I cannot imagine processing five bushels of apples!  Or consuming the resulting applesauce/pie filling.


Good luck!

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I need to start this challenge. We are looking for a new house and getting our current house ready to rent. We need to save as much cash as possible while sprucing up this house on the cheap. 


I need new exercise shoes, tho. Big 5 seems like the best bet--I should be able to get some shoes for $30 or so on sale. 


We will be checking our local hardware stores for big buckets of "oops" paints in light neutral colors. 


We are hosting Thanksgiving, so I'll start shopping for those things. The kids' Halloween pumpkins are becoming pumpkin muffins and pumpkin pies. 

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