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Chronic illness /fatigue---calling in sick to work. What do you say?


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DD18 has POTS and possibly Ehrlers-Danlos.  About 3 time per year, she gets extreme fatigue and is pretty much bed ridden for 5-10 days.  She is on day 5 of it right now. This past 5 days, she has made it to one high school calculus class,  her college class (1xweek, 3 hours), and to 2 hours at the mall.  Aside from those 6 hours, she has been in the house laying down/sitting up for 5 solid days. 


She is supposed to work Saturday and Sunday. She has a 5 hour shift each day.  The thing with her illness is that she doesn't look sick, aside from being a bit pale. It is hard to explain extreme fatigue without it seeming like just being lazy or like you just wanted to sleep in.  I think she is going to try to go to work tomorrow and hope that it is a normal day for her (her energy comes back like flipping a light switch), but if not, what does she tell her employer? 


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I don't think they can really ask her. Maybe she could go to work seeming more ill, casual clothing, no make up, complaining of not feeling well.  :grouphug: I hope it passes quickly. Or there is the whole explanation. 

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I'd just say I'm sick and need to use leave to recover. No further discussion and I'd instruct her to shut it down if they ask, because it is private medical information. If she needs to she can get a doctor's note, but I wouldn't do more than that.

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My dd has similar problems.  It always shocks people when they find out, because she always seems so happy and upbeat.  She has put off college because of it though, and could probably qualify for disability but doesn't want to go that route (for now).  She has chosen jobs where she has more control, or that has hours that are more manageable, or employers where she can just be honest with them and they understand and work around it as much as possible.


I hope your dd can figure out a solution that works for her!  



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Thanks everyone, she did call in and they didn't pressure her to give a reason.  She is hoping to make it tomorrow.  She slept all day, but did good when we went out for a simple dinner tonight.


She asked to go hang out at a friends house which is a good sign. I agreed to 2 hours at someone's home being chill (not running around, out in the cold weather,  or out in public).  Hopefully it will decrease her stress and give her some time to move around a bit.  She is getting really achy after a week in bed. 


Thanks for the encouragement and advice. We appreciate it!

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