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Ideas for 7yo twins to stay busy while....


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Older 2 are busy doing activities at 4H? There is no place nearby to take them (anyways the situation is not a drop off setup). I might be able to use a small folding table. One activity we are out in a field, but archery is going on so no running around,we are in a "bleacher" area. Other activities we are in a barn/shed. This is when we might have access to a folding table. Private property, no running around like scavenger hunts or the like.

So far I have paper/crayons/new coloring books, travel games (connect 4 and tic tac toe), sticker books (for 1, my sensory kid hates them). Any ideas?

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What do they normally do at home when they can't run around? My 6 and 8 yr olds pack their own backpack when they go to siblings stuff. They bring playmobil guys, paper and drawing supplies, hacky sacks, hidden picture books, books to read, a small container of Lego, and rainbow loom. I am pretty laid back about what they bring. They have brought paper bags to make puppets before. My kids like to organize their baseball cards so they will bring those. I do sometimes bring small games (Spot it and Pass the Pigs are easy to transport and play).


I usually bring a blanket for them to sit on and do their stuff. Everything stays on the blanket and when it is time to go it all goes back in the backpack.

Edited by lovinmyboys
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What do they normally do at home when they can't run around? 

Hmm, audio books, board games (I have 2 shelves worth), Scratch programming, Legos (but we have a HUGE setup on a table, not exactly portable), Shopkins, hot wheels, block towns, drawing, art cart (I have a set of drawers they have free access to with stamps, markers, chenille stems, beads, etc), play dough.

Trouble is portability, limiting mess and rule at 4H is no electronic distractions (phones, tablets, computers, which is fine with me).

Maybe some hot wheels, shopkins.

Making puppets is good idea, Thanks.

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I forgot my kids do listen to audiobooks with headphones on my phone at activities too, but I don't know if that would be considered electronics.


I got a small container (one that Dh packs leftovers in for lunch) and filled it with lego. Each of the kids have one and they are just for when we are out and about. I will give them challenges like "build something you would see at a birthday party" or "build something from outer space." That is a popular activity, even though they have free access to more Lego at home.


Could you make a portable art box for them similar to their art cart at home? Fill it with not so messy things?


The shopkins and hot wheels will probably keep them busy for awhile. Maybe bring a different game each time?

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My kids still liked sensory bins at that age, and they're portable if you use a rubbermaid bin with a lid. Rice and different types and sizes of beans are cheap and easy-ish to clean up if they do spill. Sometimes they would use cups and funnels to sort, lots of times they just played with it with their hands. 


Depending on the setting and their level of neatness, you could use other items or bring Play-doh (just have them play on a tray and it's easy to clean up). You could even do water bins if you don't mind their clothes getting a bit wet. Water would keep my kids occupied endlessly; just fill a bin with water and give them cups, funnels, and pipettes. 


Hopscotch (you can buy a printed mat) and jumprope are two active things that don't require running around. 


Maybe do some of their schoolwork, resulting in more free time at home. 


Action figures. 


I like the idea of a blanket to contain their stuff, and of having certain "4-H only" items. 

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