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How much does your 5/6yo weigh?

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One of my dd's weighed exactly 35 lbs. at 5 years old. She's almost 12 now and weighs jut over 73 lbs.


ETA: This same child has ALWAYS been in the lower percentiles, particularly compared to her sister, who has always been in the upper 90th percentiles. She was 9lbs. 4oz at birth (a full pound larger than her sis) but never kept pace with that. I would look more at your dd's overall rate of growth. If she has always been on the smaller side, it would concern me less than if there had been a recent change.

Edited by Doran
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Dd 6 & 2mo weighs about 50lb I think. She's very slim and very tall. 35lb does seem a bit light to me. My almost 5yo ds weighs about 44lb. He's on the tall side, but not nearly so tall for his age as dd is, and he has a medium build. Are you or your family very petite?

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My first son hit 40lbs. just after his 5th birthday. Then he got a nasty ear infection and lost 5 lbs. He was very tall for his age, but extremely skinny. He was obviously healthy, though, so Dr. wasn't worried.


My 3rd son is 5 and a half, and he's maybe 38 lbs. (He was 35 on his birthday.) But he's always been small.


The Dr. explained that as long as the progression on the height/weight chart is moving forward consistently, he's happy.


I've noticed that so many children are heavy now. (Have you tried to find pants for skinny children lately? "Husky" sizes are everywhere. Slim sizes are like gold!) I wonder if doctors have just become accustomed to heavier children as well?

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My dd is turning 6 in two weeks. She weighs just over 40 lbs. When I took her in for her checkup a couple of months ago, they told me she was in the 20th percentile for weight and the 10th percentile for height. She does tend to look pretty petite next to other kids her age, I guess :)

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I took dd to the ped today for a yeast infection. I got a disapproving glance when he saw how much she weighed (35lb). I am not concerned about this as she has always been a very tiny girl, but his look got me wondering. How much do other kids her age weigh? Is she really that tiny? To me she is normal, ya know.


So anyway how much does your 5/6yo weigh? Boy of Girl?


My dd6 will be 7 in 2 weeks. She just now hit 40#. She always been tiny though. I'm only 5'0 so I'm expecting her to follow in my steps. The Dr. never says anything. She's got great muscle tone, coordination, she's developmentally above kids her age, and she eats pretty well. She's still in a 4T pant. I wouldn't be too concerned if you know physically she checks out.

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Shoot, for years I was *sure* ds was dying because he ws so small. He was in the 5th percentile on the growth chart all his life, until he hit age 12 and he wasn't even on the chart.


I figured he was dying from some disease. I am not kidding. You don't even want to know what I imagined. Let me just add that it didn't help one bit that he had a twin sister who was on par for the charts.


I can laugh now. Ds is 19 and weighs about 135. He's 5 foot 9 inches. Still skinny, but not emaciated.


My other kids range from "normal" (like dd, now 19 and "average") to "underweight"



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