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Looking for a Particular Kids Phonics Book *Long shot*


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There is a book with a really generic title like The Cat or The Cat Sat, but it is a phonetically controlled chapter book.



We got it from our library once and it was one of like 100 books that we got during that time. It had a really generic title but I can not for the life of me, find it again. :(


I've checked the library constantly, I've asked librarians, I've looked on Amazon. No luck.

I've been trying to find it because I'd like to purchase a copy off of Amazon!

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone can help me, it's The Hive


The book that I'm looking for, LOOKS like a chapter book. The pages are made of that chapter book paper, not picture book paper and I think that it has a darkish cover, I think it's dark blue/purple/back and has a picture of the cat on the cover. It's around 100 pages I think.


It has simple BW illustrations and its about a cat and (a dog). Anyway, it's a beginning reader, it's phonetically controlled and each chapter includes a new phonetic pattern/rule. There is NO teaching in the book, it's a trade book, but it would go so well with a phonics program. It looks like a "big kids" chapter book if it were just sitting on the table you'd think it were for 3rd-5th grade students.

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The cat on the mat is flat - by Andy Griffiths maybe?


Another by the same author is - The cat, the rat and the baseball bat

 or -  Ed and Ted and Ted's dog Fred


These are all beginning reader chapter books that will be enjoyed by adults - the first one is the full book, the other are adaptations to the first book and are shorter versions.

Edited by Tanikit
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