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re: written output

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I hope it's O.K. to post this on the high school board. I tried on the Logic forum but didn't get feedback.

If you have kids taking a writing course at the WTMA (rhetoric or WWS) and you are taking another literature based course or studying lit on your own and have separate written output requirement (our lit class has a ton of summary as well as essay writing), do you find it's too much? Say a rhetoric class and an Ancient Lit class at WTMA. Do you think it's more writing that one English credit deserves? 

My kid isn't in high school yet, but we are in a similar situation and I am wondering if going forward we need to do either one class or the other (we use CLROnline for lit) because of the amount of writing. Or do I just need to suck it up because it's about right? 

I hope I am making sense. 

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I purposely either reduce the writing load somewhat in one class (not possible when out sourcing both) or pick a lit class with low outputs.


If I had a kid doing two heavy writing outputs (online classes), they would get more than a full credit- either for LA or something else (rhetoric). It might not be two full credits, but it could be.


I picked Dd's lit class because it had low or no written output. I could have done the same with a homegrown course.

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