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Question for those who have adopted....

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My husband and I are discussing adopting a child. We havent reached a conclusion yet as we are still going to pray about it more....but I just have a question.


We co-sleep with our 4 year old and 1 year old. Will this be a problem for us? I know that some people claim that sleeping with your children is bad....but we've always enjoyed the closeness for our family. I'm sure that the 4 year old will be leaving the family bed soon....its getting a bit crowded LOL. But our kids do not officially have their own room. There's a playroom, but it has no beds in it.


And also....will homeschooling be a problem? I hope not, because I plan to homeschool any child of mine.

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We have 2 adopted daughters from China. Our first daughter was from a foster home and co-slept w/ her foster mom. They do the family bed in China when kids are young. She slept w/ me on her bedroom floor on a mattress for 3 months after we brought her home. I had enough by that time and she was adjusted to her new surroundings by then.


Our second daughter was from an orphanage and loved the crib.


Homeschooling is not a problem. We are not homeschooling our little girls because they are not homeschool-able in the formal sense. We learn 24-7 around here w/ a home that is rich is conversation and activity. But these 2 girls do very well w/ a formal classroom/teacher experience.


My friend homeschools her 3 kids from Liberia. Works very well.

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Homeschooling is not a problem and neither is the family bed, unless you get a weird social worker. If you do, ask for someone else.


Depending on the age of the child, you will have to show that you have sleeping arrangements for them independent of your bed. Our son was over two when he came, so even though we planned to co-sleep (and our social worker knew it, and approved), we had to have a bedroom and bed for him.



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We adopted one of our three children (international adoption). Our social worker definitely had some opinions that sounded like "policy." We just listened without really giving many firm answers and she was quite happy. You may want to ask for the adoption agency's official policy on space, sleeping arrangements, etc... before you pick your agency. Our agency did require our child to have his own bedroom and each child in our home had to have a certain number of square feet.... some really odd requirements but nothing difficult.



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Everyone has pretty much said exactly what I would.


Once they are yours, they are yours. That is the good news. The potentially bad news is that some case workers are better/ more understanding than others.

There will be plenty of hoops to jump through, and when all else fails Just Smile And Nod.

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LOL, I guess I was thinking more about the home study and stuff like that, more than thinking about once it is all said and done, I can do whatever I please LOL.


I just wondered if co-sleeping and homeschooling was something that I should not discolose unless specifically asked.

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