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There is hope!


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I just wanted to send out words of encouragement for those who are feeling stressed about their kids. We've had our ups and downs over the years. I've been waiting for my kids to mature, and I think it's actually happened!


I've got a just turned 14 yo ds that has always been difficult. He never takes responsibility for himself, never cleans up after himself without being reminded, never took the initiative with school (he's in b&m now) Suddenly this summer, I'm really starting to see some maturity as far as his behavior. He's starting to take responsibility for his actions, taking a more proactive role in school (had a lot of summer homework), and he's less argumentative. He has these great insights that he shares when we have discussions. It's so enjoyable to sit and talk with him.


DD has always been a pretty good kid, but she is a huge slob and always needs nudging to get her work done. Again, this summer, she's keeping her room neat, asking me what she can do to help me around the house (above and beyond the chores she has), and taking real pride in the work she does around the house. I doubt it's my years of nagging, likely just maturity, but I'm loving these changes and really enjoying her so much too. 


We had a lot of tough times. It's just so nice to see some positive changes. Just thought I'd share for those of you who aren't quite there yet. There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel :)


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I just wanted to send out words of encouragement for those who are feeling stressed about their kids. We've had our ups and downs over the years. I've been waiting for my kids to mature, and I think it's actually happened!


I've got a just turned 14 yo ds that has always been difficult. He never takes responsibility for himself, never cleans up after himself without being reminded, never took the initiative with school (he's in b&m now) Suddenly this summer, I'm really starting to see some maturity as far as his behavior. He's starting to take responsibility for his actions, taking a more proactive role in school (had a lot of summer homework), and he's less argumentative. He has these great insights that he shares when we have discussions. It's so enjoyable to sit and talk with him.


DD has always been a pretty good kid, but she is a huge slob and always needs nudging to get her work done. Again, this summer, she's keeping her room neat, asking me what she can do to help me around the house (above and beyond the chores she has), and taking real pride in the work she does around the house. I doubt it's my years of nagging, likely just maturity, but I'm loving these changes and really enjoying her so much too. 


We had a lot of tough times. It's just so nice to see some positive changes. Just thought I'd share for those of you who aren't quite there yet. There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel :)


Can I send my 13 year old to live at your house? 

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That is encouraging. My own 16 yo.....although he still can't remember to keep his wash cloths out of the shower....or to take the Trash out...,is a real joy and growing up so well in other areas. He has a 10 hour a week job now....and today I hear from them that he is doing so well. And he loves, loves loves his auto CAD.....it is so fun everyday to have him come in and tell me all what he designed.


He is suffering with his high school courses....just three of them....but especially his math is grieving him even just two weeks in. But all in all he is doing so well and I am really proud of him.


The other day a commercial came on.....I listened to it and thought wow what a stretch that claim was....and he comes in to me a few minutes later and begins to dissect that very commercial...I was so proud of his critical thinking skills.

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