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Why I check these boards every day...

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We are plugging away at our chosen curriculum. We have a terrific co-op. My daughter's highschool years are going very well with a good mix of friends and fun. The academics are pushing her so much that she doesn't have time for a job. We are communicating well and will make some changes when the new semester begins in January. Real life is going well. On the other hand, I've been reading these boards for at least five years and post only sporadically, so I don't have any friends on these board and no one here will notice if I don't stop by. So why do I check these boards almost every day? What am I looking for?


I am looking for re-assurance that I can do this - that I can get through this challenging stage in my life. So I read through the latest postings, take a deep breath and get back to the real work of life. It might save me some time if someone would just stick a post at the top of the board that says something like this...


Yes, you can do this. No one you know if real life understands how challenging this chapter in your life is. And if they did, they would tell you to put the kid in public school. But you've chosen not to settle for the ordinary and are trying to pull off the extraoridary feat of providing the best possible education for your child balanced with the best possible home-life and social life. Today it may feel like it's more than you can do, but keep going. Keep moving forward. Do the next thing and at the end of the year, you will be surprised at what you've accomplished. At the end of highschool you will be glad you didn't give up and settle for mediocre because it's what everyone else thought was good enough.


I think if there was a statement plugged at the top of the screen that said, "Yes, you can do this" then I might not even need to read the posts here on most days.


So, that's what I come here for. Sometimes I find something encouraging directed at someone else. Sometimes I find great resources that I start using myself. But usually, what I find is people plugging away doing what they feel they need to do for their families. And I'm reminded I am not alone. And I get back to work and do the next thing.


So, that's why I read your stories everyday. I hope you find what you are looking for while you are on these boards.



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Thank you SWB for providing this venue :)


I heartily second this!


I'm another who comes here daily (and sometimes several times a day). I've found lots of wisdom here from many who so graciously share their own experiences.


All the best!



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Wow, Michelle. This is timely. Thanks for your transparency. I could NOT "do" homeschool w/o these fine folks. We are blessed :)


Thank you SWB for providing this venue :)


I spent a good part of the weekend putting together my "guidance counselor" info for ds's college applications, and I relied heavily on the advice that others on this board have shared over the years. What a big help and encouragement it is to know that others have gone before...


Thank you to SWB and all of you!


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Amen and amen. That's why I love to hear the successes of our children in their high school years, their extracurricular interests, their college admissions and then in college. It continues to help me look to a high standard and encourages us that we can do it. I so appreciate those on this board who have already schooled their kids through high school and into college and continue to pour into those of us still on this journey.



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I appreciate your sharing these thoughts and, obviously, many share them.


It truly is a wonderful blessing to have this forum. There is SO MUCH to be gleaned from others! What a great resource! I have been helped by a number of you - yet none of us, or, most of us, I daresay have never even seen each others' faces!


This website, to me, demonstrates a beautiful example of how God takes something like the internet, which sometimes gets nothing but a "bad rap" in that so much evil can happen on it, and it's so out-of-control, (which is true), but he allows us to use it for GOOD. It is another way we can encourage each other.


And, you're right, sometimes just clicking on the beehive knowing we will be taken to pages upon pages of reminders that we are not in this alone is enough encouragement to push us through the next challenge.


Loved your post!

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