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FIAR vs Memoria Press Enrichment


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My youngest is starting her Kindergarten year and while I love the idea of FIAR, I just don't know if I have the energy to plan and prep like I would want to for each FIAR book. (I could keep it simple but I know myself and know that I would want to add all sorts of activities and projects to the ideas given in the manual.)


I've been drawn to MP lately and have chosen some of their curriculum components for my older children. I'm now considering their K enrichment for my little one. I like that it's planned out for me! I like that we would be reading good books and still doing some activities related to those books. So, do I give up on my picture perfect dream of FIAR where we do all sorts of Pinterest/blog worthy crafts, projects and activities and make amazing memories? 


I you have experience with MP K Enrichment, would you recommend it for a young 5 year old? 

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We have done MP K enrichment, and loved it. We learned a lot as well. I would get the kindergarten craft book and art cards. The craft book has crafts associated with the read aloud each week, and they are simple and easy to do. This will help with your Pintrest/blog worthy craft desires. ;) The craft book also has some projects aligned with the art cards. The music can be found on spotify, or if you have amazon prime most can be found on prime music free. I think I have bought 2 songs each year. We are doing second grade this year. They are doing a craft book for first and maybe second as well. The first grade is almost done, I think. Anyways, you can do as much or as little as you want. You can really expand on the history, culture, science part or not. This maybe more than you wanted to know, but I hope it helps. If you have anymore questions, I will try to help. Also MP has a forum with really nice and helpful people. One more thing, I have found the customer service at MP to be excellent.

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We are just starting the 1st grade enrichment book.  I'm loving the art cards, Youtube "playlists" for the music selections, and pre-selected "go along" books for science & history, all of which save me lots of planning time.  It is more open-and-go than FIAR, with fewer choices to make. I loved FIAR with my older ones, but it hasn't been as good a fit with my younger DC, mostly because I'm just pulled in too many directions at this stage.  I haven't used the K book, but I imagine it's a great fit for a young 5YO.   


I only wish they'd hurry up with the 1st grade book of crafts...

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I haven't used five in a row...but oh boy do I love MP.

I've used their products for my big kids too and borrowed last year their SN curriculum from a friend. Loved that too.

I just bought an enrichment guide (used) and can't wait for it to come in the mail :)


I don't know how you can beat MP. Esp of you are looking for the planning.


You can still add Pinterest ideas to MP. I'm going to :)

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So, what do I need to purchase? I have to admit, I'm a bit confused! Is the Enrichment included in the K Curriculum Manual? If so, does the K Curriculum Manual also include lesson plans or do those need to be purchased separately? I won't be using the full curriculum so I won't be purchasing the entire package. I know I need to purchase the art set and craft book but am unsure of which manual(s)/lesson plans I need to purchase. 

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The kindergarten enrichment guide



Look at the sample of the enrichment guide in the above link, this is really helpful

The art cards



The craft book



There are lesson plans, but they are not necessary. Just pick a day to do the read aloud, a day for art and music, one for poetry and so on. The poetry books: Animals Animals and The Child's Book of Poems are used throughout the year but can be purchased used if you don't already have them.

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Yes...what pp said :)


The enrichment guide, art cards , an the craft book.


I would recommend getting the poetry book. It's so wonderfully sweet. It's not something if want to miss :)


The animals book ...I would get too. You can get it from the library ( I don't think the k one was written by MP for their curriculum) . that's a good sweet book to have on hand :)


After you might decide. Wow. I love how they plan and lay everything out fir me...and get the kindy lesson plans .


You can print the lesson plans from their website for like 10. Or 12.$. That's about half if you by the book.


I personally like the lesson plans. I use it for thier end of year portfolios, and I just really use it all.


If I'm not using a MP product...when it says math...that's when I do our SM.


It's just soooo easy and cheap.

Can't beat it for 10.-12.$


You don't have to get it right away...or at all.

But it sure does help.

The way the put....memorization first ( gets KIDS brains goin)

Then math or phonics...catch em early in the day before their brain is tired.


There's a systematic approach even to the lesson plans.


And again, doesn't have to be with their curriculum. Works with all curriculums.

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Another thing I fnd useful about their lesson plans...is it's so easy to let a week get by you and haven't done...art or composer reading etc.

With their plans...they have boxes to check off and you KNOW if you've done it or not.


I find it very useful. I know if I've skipped something that I really wanted to do :)

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I've been going through the same debate and we chose to do FIAR this year and I'm considering MP Enrichment for next year. We already have most of the FIAR books, I've done it before and we have loved it. With my oldest being in fourth grade I feel like this is the last year we can all do FIAR again together (with my oldest joining in as he wants since he will have his own course load). I love the look of MP and will probably use that for next year, but for us it's the investment of the books since I don't have many of those (we don't have library access). I do love that mp is all planned out for you though. FIAR can take a lot of work of pulling things together which I typically go overboard with it and it takes me too long to do!

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We loved MP K Enrichment here and it persuaded me to buy 1st Enrichment for this year and Junior K for my younger. DS was about 5 1/2 when we started and DD was even younger but would wander in for it and enjoyed it too. You can just do it with the Enrichment book and not worry about what MP would have scheduled for the full K curriculum. Definitely get the art cards to put up each week. Consider alternating which ones you put up, like instead of just one for the week keep up the last weeks and put up the next two which are upcoming, you might be surprised at the discussions which come up. It was amazing to hear what DS thought of the different art and how they compared to each other.


I did buy the craft book too but dropped it altogether before the halfway point. Some are fun, DD really loved making a little Stellaluna bat, but they are pretty simple so if you are at all arty or crafty or pinteresty you can do better.


Personally I'm not a fan of Eric Carlisle's drawing so for Animals, Animals we just checked it out from the library when it came up in that week's poems. Most of the books we checked out of the library. Different weeks may have different themes like crabs for the story of the week and the science so you can read books on that topic too. My main tip is to watch the calendar so you can follow along with the holidays and time of year as it will be a fun addition if you do, the stories and activities will match up to Halloween, Christmas, spring, etc. We started pretty loosely and then I had to scramble to stay on track to match up.


I was very impressed at the questions to ask about the stories. They also pointed out great details in the illustrations that I'm sure I would have missed. Personally it's not outlined very well when you're trying to follow along with the questions but it's worth it.


I checked out books to match up with the artist and composer study and we both learned a lot.


I have BFIAR and FIAR and while I haven't been very good about doing them I do think MP is better for me because of the questions and extras. With MP I can order the books and sit and read them and we learn about different things for the week. With FIAR i have good intentions but it's harder for me to execute!

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^^^^ what a fun homeschool mom you are :)


I try to do those things too. Bring in units at a time and try to do as many across curriculum as we can.


I love the MP lit guides.

I got my lit guide in the mail today! Sooo happy.

Yay!! :)

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  • 8 months later...

We have used BFIAR and FIAR, but this thread has caught my attention.


Can I ask how religious this program for MP is? We aren't strictly secular.


For BFIAR, we read the more religious books, but did not use the biblical supplement.


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We have used BFIAR and FIAR, but this thread has caught my attention.


Can I ask how religious this program for MP is? We aren't strictly secular.


For BFIAR, we read the more religious books, but did not use the biblical supplement.


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It's very easy to make secular if you prefer that. Occasionally a question on a story might make a reference to the Bible but it's very minimal. I'm sure there may have been more references during the Christmas section but I really do not remember very much being referenced. It's more about reading a children's story and maybe similar science topics.

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It's very easy to make secular if you prefer that. Occasionally a question on a story might make a reference to the Bible but it's very minimal. I'm sure there may have been more references during the Christmas section but I really do not remember very much being referenced. It's more about reading a children's story and maybe similar science topics.

Thank you! I have a bit of time before number two rises into the homeschool ranks, but this looks really appealing!


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It's really a great option. I'm not the kind of person who would remember to do classic music or art ever week so it's great to have it made so easy. The questions can be very well done too, like pointing out something in the illustrations I would never have noticed. Plus they were older "classic" books that I'm sure neither of us would have chosen since they don't have the vivid illustrations of today's stories but everyone ended up loving. I got most of them from the library but when I do it again with DD I'll probably buy a lot of them to keep for rereading to her.


If you don't mind having references to God or skipping over them the MP Junior K has been a big hit here. It's a very similar format with a book and questions and a related art project plus letter and number practice. DD is loving having her own book to answer questions about and her own poem to memorize every week like her big brother. They recommend a couple of books that you could just leave out which have prayers.

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It's really a great option. I'm not the kind of person who would remember to do classic music or art ever week so it's great to have it made so easy. The questions can be very well done too, like pointing out something in the illustrations I would never have noticed. Plus they were older "classic" books that I'm sure neither of us would have chosen since they don't have the vivid illustrations of today's stories but everyone ended up loving. I got most of them from the library but when I do it again with DD I'll probably buy a lot of them to keep for rereading to her.


If you don't mind having references to God or skipping over them the MP Junior K has been a big hit here. It's a very similar format with a book and questions and a related art project plus letter and number practice. DD is loving having her own book to answer questions about and her own poem to memorize every week like her big brother. They recommend a couple of books that you could just leave out which have prayers.

This is sounding better and better.....


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