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Neuropsych said APD is a relabel for broader language disorder?

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You hit the nail on the head . she did mention global. I was fighting back tears at that moment and breakdown.


All the other stuff. Your right. All of that is what's happened.


Thank you so much for that and your story


I don't feel nearly as horrible. Thank you so much.


OhE. I'm going to screenshot all that. It's so true.


I'm going to ask my pediatrician what NP he recommended s and the SLP too. I read more of her bio.


Man. Whew.

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And yes tiramisu,

I've been thinking for a couple months now...the squeaky wheel got the oil. And now I'm seeing, he's pulling away from his peers (academically and socially) he would be 4th grade now...or geck. I dunno. The evals and work level he's on, maybe they'd be going into 5th and 6th. Oh boy. Ugh.


I am a firm believer in staying where they are yet stretching them. Oh man. I hands are more full than I thought.

Don't no tell me things tho guys pls. Cuz I need to know. Thank you. All of you and to little bears (op) for starting this thread .


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OhE, EF was bad.

Tell me what to get at social thinking in the meantime.

I want to get super flex . Lecka said it was for young ones and maybe too young for mine depending on their emotional maturity ...it's low tho. For both of them. Emotional maturity thst is . and they LOVE super hero's.

Anyone think that good place to start. ?


Honestly . not being dramatic. Docs and therapist said this too. Aaoron 10 up w all the major issues.... Could have easily died on the care of someone else.

He was failure to thrive but not officially put in any paperwork BC I had him back at the hospital everyday after he came home from birth. We worked with the SLP there for feeding and ot or was it PT , don't remember ...but to feed and move. He was straight as a board . didnt cry. Didn't look around didn't move. We had SLP everyday if his like for 6 mo. Skinniest lil baby you ever saw. Teetering on being admitted ir not fir IV food. He didn't tho. We got thru it. He still eats so very slow. I don't let anyone get up from the table til he's done eating tho. It's family talk time.


How on earth was he ever graduated from any PS therapies. Man that infuriated us.

Wasn't long and we pulled them out of school .

Sorry, thanks for listening guys

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Kat, not responding, not knowing the steps of something, the WH-words, these are all ASD things.  Detailed language testing would sort that out.  When they're younger they'll run the VB-MAPP or ABLLS.  I don't know if he'd need that now, maybe?  That's all in the ASD community.  The best, most detailed evals on that are going to come from an SLP who specializes in ASD or a BCBA.  If your insurance would cover it, you could bring in a BCBA.  It would improve your carryover on the language and give him more focused intervention.  Given what you're describing, ABA would be really wise or reasonable.  You're only mortal.  They might not be better than you, but we haven't figured out how to CLONE you, kwim?  :)

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Kat, you asked what to get for social thinking.  I was gone and just got back.  My two cents is bring in a BCBA and get ABA.  That's the real answer.  You've got much more extensive challenges going on, and if you can get the funding for it (through your insurance, through state children's insurance, whatever), that would be the way to go.  


If you can't, yes you go to SocialThinking.com and buy things.  But I find the way the behaviorist implements the materials is better than what I would do on my own.  Either way, you're making progress.  I'm just saying if you can get the help you'll make MORE progress and have it work on MORE areas and be more happy.

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Hes going everywhere . SLP. Ot. Cognitive vision. Ev. And behaviorist.

I'm not waiting. Tey are both going everywhere .

I told hubby last nite. And that's just how it's going to be


You're a hoot!  Well yes, find the BCBA you like.  See if they want to hit the language stuff (they can) or whether they want an SLP as well.  More is more better, but I think you'll be SHOCKED how much good the ABA can do for language just by working intentionally on getting things to happen.  And honestly some speech therapy materials are idiotically simple to implement.  It's just more a matter of getting it done.  And the BCBA will have some developmental language testing or they might want the CASL/CELF.  Just talk with them.  

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Hes going everywhere . SLP. Ot. Cognitive vision. Ev. And behaviorist.

I'm not waiting. Tey are both going everywhere .

I told hubby last nite. And that's just how it's going to be


Kat, where there are overlaps, you might want to start one therapy, but not the other, until you are near the end. It depends on how the therapists work and the way they are doing the work--the VT we had did so much OT that they didn't want us to do OT until we were done (first kiddo). Second kiddo, the PROMPT therapist was very happy to put off speech until we were finished with VT because we were doing so much retained reflex work. She said reflex work took priority as long as it was working and being done well (and we could tell that it was effective). We were not doing a long course of VT--if we had, I think we would have eventually started speech at the same time, but not until most of the reflex stuff was out of the way.


So, ask the therapists if you can. But yes, if they need it all, they need it all.

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Kat, not responding, not knowing the steps of something, the WH-words, these are all ASD things.  Detailed language testing would sort that out.  When they're younger they'll run the VB-MAPP or ABLLS.  I don't know if he'd need that now, maybe?  That's all in the ASD community. 


Both of those only go up to around a functional age equivalent of a neurotypical 5 y.o. One might be 48 mos. but I can't remember off the top of my head. A 10 y.o. is probably going to be beyond both unless that child was really low functioning.

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Kat, what age would this be for with the SuperFlex?  Our behaviorist is doing We Thinkers 2 with ds, and she LOVES it.  I like the results, she likes the program.  :D  Anyways, she was saying to her We Thinkers2 is good foundation for SuperFlex and is better before SuperFlex.  I mean, do whatever you think.  We Thinkers 2 might even be too young for your kids, depending on the ages.  And of course if you can get a behaviorist to do it, they will implement with more subtlety and of course consistency.

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Both of those only go up to around a functional age equivalent of a neurotypical 5 y.o. One might be 48 mos. but I can't remember off the top of my head. A 10 y.o. is probably going to be beyond both unless that child was really low functioning.


That's the hard thing.  I think I made assumptions about where the dc was for language, and then she (Kat) said some things that made me wonder.  Our behaviorist had the Vineland and some other tools that hit language and had higher age levels too.  Between the behaviorist and the SLP, they can get it figured out.  I'd be in the more is more better camp on that.  :)

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I missed all this. Didn't know you guys had responded. Thank you.


I'm in the more is more better camp too.


When they were both young they came out ( they being the ABA services, I went n pulled out old paperwork ..I couldn't remember fir sure if it was ABA. It was. But, we are in a very rural area and they didn't come out this far so she told us to go to the title 1school around the corner. They had the ABA like services. They went all day 5 days a week plus we kept all our private therapists too until they closed due to insurance stuff...Florida went thru a big insurance unreat several years back. Alot of carriers pulle out of Florida all together . alot of places had to close their doors.


The services they got around the corner were good...until it was time to start school. They held both boys back in that service program an extra year. Then school...it just wasn't working and they still at that time had their private therapists .


I will check into ABA. I'm sure our insurance covers it..at least I hope. I would expect a co pay at some point and thsts fine. ....I'm going to call and ask the prompt therapist I found ( he goes the middle if August. I'll ask her where and what.


His language ...I can't pull out that report right now. OhE just got me in a better frame of mind lol...I'll lose it again if I pull it out but if memory serves me...its like....gosh. Young. I want to say ...yea I'm pretty sure was just below 7yo...like between 6 &7. And that's with marked improvement since being home. Slow and steady wins the race around here.


I have a friend, they've since moved out of state but she has a lil one that had ABA services when she was just a lil younger than my 10 yo but....she may have tested lower than him too. I don't know.


I'll call that prompt therapist office today.


I was so relieved they squeezed Aaron in too. Whew. Fel alot better and I really think we are in good hands with her.


We do need more services.... I figured it would be fir micah12 yo. And she'd tell us when we went. Never thought Aaron would be needing more intervention than Micah.


Micahs been the squeaky wheel.


I look at Aaron's sweet lil face now today and the things I couldn't understand or out my finger on....I look in his eyes and see now.


I guess the professionals missed it...cuz..not right test run to we went to the university? I know PS don't run the same tests. At least they don't here. Not sure if it's like thst everywhere .


Some of it they said he was too young for too. Rrrr.

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But man...lil man has to THINK and think hard to hold his head uo straight and keep his mouth from dangling open and tongue positioned jus past where his bottom lip is...and cheeks sooooo right. Back of them...wint move them. Sigh. I mean. That's just the most glaringly obvious to me.


PS graduated him from speech. Man. Jus...whew

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Thanks :) I'm so happy and hopeful.... We took him when he was a baby . he said...ummm. That's physical therapy work. He was afraid to touch him...tried again at 2 and same same lol.


He has been that way since birth .

Physical therapist and ot said they didn't know if it was neurological, or what. Noone seems to have the answer. He tested positive for opiods when he was born and this is the lil guy thst....the birthmom wasn't feeling him move in the womb. So, we went in twice a week and they monitored his heart rate for several hours, did ultrasound ...basically he stayed hooked up for ultrasound while we would be there and they would have to zap him to get his heart rate up.


As explained to me, a baby in distress/ dying...their heart rate would be..I believe it was 35 or 36. It was in the 30's...his stayed right around the number that would be emergency c-cection. A he did go below the number several times...they'd rush in and zap him from outside if the belly... It would come up but only a little. He was growing more and more in distress as the week's went by so, they took him 3 weeks early by c-cection.


It was pretty scary and pretty helpless feeling watching your baby ( my baby) he was my baby by then already...obviously bot legally but..I had emotionally bonded with him believe it or not. ..I had to sit back and watch her basically... Slowly kill him (if they hadn't taken him early) and me not be able to do a thing about it. And...had to keep my mouth shut cuz in Florida birthmims (bm) has until 2 days after birth to Chance their minds, EVEN, if the baby teats positive for cocaine I any drug.


She was doing lain pills...by alot. ..like...alot. So that's also been the professionals trying to determine what his issues really are.

It's mostly probably all drug and alcohol related...but...the deficits are the same.


Wild. Was..whew. Mind trip and very stressful .

Everyone told us...do t do it. That Babys gonna die. And really...his motor planning problems with not making connections to breath, suckle, and swallow...heck...just to stay alive. Everyone at hospital said they'd never seen an baby heart rate be so low in utero.


So? I feel pretty fortunate to even have him and have him alive :)


I'll take what I can get and do what we have to....hea my lil man and my baby. Couldn't love him anymore if I had given birth to him myself.

Dats my babay!!! :)

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Wow...I wrote a book. Sorry.

Was ablil back story why...chiropractor doesn't really wanna touch thst with a ten foot pole lol.


We work on It tho. Always remindin him. He still has the motor planning issue. Breathing , chewing , swallowing all is WORK for thst lil guy.

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