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Palin: abuse of power or contributing factor?

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Ummm.... Ya, there has been a lot of slippage of presidents in bathtubs in our 200+ year history.... So many that I have lost count, Whoops! No, wait.... I think that count is zero... In fact I can't think of anyone in irl I know who has slipped in the tub and died at any age over 2.




I think you're correct that that number is zero. Number of presidents who have died in office, however, is 8. Nearly 1 in 5.

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I think that is a great idea! That is about the worst thing I can remember seeing happen--financially, anyway. Well, that and the oil companies. I don't get why something more isn't being done about them. Besides the huge waste of money, useless committee that was convened over the summer that knew it couldn't do anything but went ahead anyway.


Why wait till next week? We could start today? ;) Although my pain meds are wearing off. I might get a bit grumpy soon. Think I'd prefer to take more and retire to my bedroom. :D


I'm tired, too. ;)

I'm signing out for awhile.

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My point was that the vitriol against Palin is pointless. I was not so much defending Palin.... You did read my first post and understand that? I am sick and tired of reading the Aha I have the smoking gun on and I got because I am ever so objective as are the folks who handed me the gun that will now change your mind forever on.......... I am tired of it for Obama and tired of it for Palin and tired of it for McCain and seeing next to nothing about Biden just waiting to be tired about it for him....


In case you misread this and my motivation I am TIRED of this election and how it divides everyone! As if we are now all brainless and need to be enlightened about...... and have no idea how to research info on any thing.


I wonder about all of these links, as if no one reads the papers and gets info for themselves. Links to newspapers with biases whether it is the Huffington report or the National Review, liberal or conservative and then presented as if they are objective and in the same league as Moses bringing the tablets off Sinai. I am sick of political investigations by both parties that pretend to be bi-partisan and have sick of them since the Clinton era.


Please do not mis read this I am not defending Palin!


Perhaps you misunderstood my post. I thought your comments in response to Deirdra's "slip and fall in the bathtub" scenario were patronizing and snarky. It matters not whether she was talking about McCain, Obama, or the Atlanta Falcons quarterback. You lament about how this election has divided us, yet your response to Deirdra seemed written to reinforce that. Go back and read it, and imagine saying it to her IRL. To me, it seemed rife with eye-rolls. That's why I commented on it.


I don't think most people pass off links as the gospel-truth. I would hope that we all have more ability to scrutinize text than that. Most people who post links here, whether they are about breastfeeding, a homeschool kid who offed his parents, dog food or a treasure trove of crockpot recipes, expects that the link will spark debate and commentary. Clearly, that's happening.


Personally, I don't care whether you or anyone else wants to support McCain/Palin, Obama/Biden, Nader/Gonzales, or Paul/whomever his running mate is. To my interpretation, your post was not so much about Palin and Troopergate and whether she should or should not be investigated as it was about slamming Deirdre for her example of why every VP candidate should be ready to assume the top job should the need arise, however unforseen the circumstances may be.



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Wow; that was an incredibly sarcastic, snarky comment. I'm pretty certain that Deirdra's comment was rhetorical. Defending Palin certainly brings out the best in some people.




thank you, astrid.


my comment wasn't so much rhetorical as it was a symbolic reference to the fact that 'accidents do happen.' i assume RebeccaC knew that; we're all fairly intelligent homeschool parents here.

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I wonder about all of these links, as if no one reads the papers and gets info for themselves. Links to newspapers with biases whether it is the Huffington report or the National Review, liberal or conservative and then presented as if they are objective and in the same league as Moses bringing the tablets off Sinai. I am sick of political investigations by both parties that pretend to be bi-partisan and have sick of them since the Clinton era.


actually, more and more people get their news online; newspaper readership is in a free fall.


Over the past two decades, newspaper readership in the United States has plummeted. After peaking in 1984, at 63 million copies, the daily circulation of American papers fell steadily at a rate of about 1 percent a year until 2004 when it hit 55 million. Since then, the pace of the decline has accelerated. Circulation fell by more than 2 percent in 2005 and by about 3 percent in 2006. In 1964, 81 percent of American adults read a daily newspaper. In 2006, only 50 percent did. The decline has been sharpest among young adults. Just 36 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds reported reading a daily newspaper in 2006, down from 73 percent in 1970.


There are many reasons for the long-term decline in newspaper readership. But one of the most important factors behind the recent acceleration of the trend is the easy availability of news reports and headlines on the Internet. As broadband connections have become more common, the number of American adults who get news online every day has jumped, from 19 million in March 2000 to 44 million in December 2005, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project.

Britannica.com Blog


i welcome the links here to reputable news sources. the information allows me to see not only another point of view but to also see sources that i don't normally come across in my day to day life. before the internet, i never happened across the National Review. even if i don't agree with the conclusion, i feel better informed in understanding the reasoning behind a stance.

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Yes, it most certainally is politically motivated. Political because she's a politician running for the second highest office in the country. She played around with her power and she got busted. Let's not act like we're surprised by this (is this the first time it's happened that a politician used their power for personal gain??) But... let's not sweep it under the rug just because there are "bigger criminals" in Congress and on Wall Street right now.





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Deidre in GA is completely correct--all of this started long before Palin was the VP pick--why McCain chose her when many things where in question is anyone's guess. But there are many points here that have not been brought up. As to the media's coverage--they go where the interest is, and they seem to think this is it.


The whole thing about Wooten's possible drinking in his trooper car, tasering his stepson, etc, were all allegations only made by Palin and her husband.


Palin's husband used, not only her phone and office, but also her computers, and staff, for this and many other matters. He was not a government official and had no right to do so. Hillary Clinton did take on many different hats while First Lady, which is considered an official position. All First Ladies I can recall have done, and have been expected to do, a very large amount of work for the US.


From a Yahoo News article this morn, entitled: "Report stings Palin over Troopergate flap":


"A legislative investigator found that Palin violated state ethics laws and abused her power by trying to have her former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper."


Here is the link:




They do go on to say that they do not have the power to give any type of punishment, only the Personnel Board can.


One thing to remember is that Palin originally said she and her staff would gladly testify, then she and her husband refused, and her staff ignored subpoenas to testify, presumably under her orders. Which does make you wonder why, if they had nothing to hide.


I can't speak to all the allegations, but Wooten admitted he tased his stepson.

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But how many people here say themselves they don't read the papers? Don't know what is going on? Act as though all of this is news to them? This is the new thing--learn it on a forum--listen to an actor--get it where ever, but it is 2nd hand news. That is what is really frightening! Blogs are the big "news" these days! Everyone here quotes them like they are news! How many here quote wikipedia like it is gospel? Don't you see it all the time?


It also frightens me that the candidates stand up and can tell complete and utter LIES and people will accept those lies as the honest truth. They will use those points to justify their vote, but if they had researched those points their candidate so eloquently stated they just might discover they'd fallen for a load of you-know-what. Many people don't want to take the time to get the facts and I can understand it to a point because it is so difficult to find the truth. Everyone wants to add their own spin. Ahhh!

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I can't speak to all the allegations, but Wooten admitted he tased his stepson.


If that's true, why wasn't Palin calling the head of CPS demanding an investigation but instead calling BIL's superiors to have him fired? If the guy is abusing his stepson, getting him fired from his job could make the situation worse if the boy is not protected to begin with. Surely, as Governor of Alaska, Palin has access to people who could consult with her as to the best way for a family member to handle a situation of abuse within the family. Maybe she chose to not consult with anyone and just "not blink" and do what she felt.

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If that's true, why wasn't Palin calling the head of CPS demanding an investigation but instead calling BIL's superiors to have him fired? If the guy is abusing his stepson, getting him fired from his job could make the situation worse if the boy is not protected to begin with. Surely, as Governor of Alaska, Palin has access to people who could consult with her as to the best way for a family member to handle a situation of abuse within the family. Maybe she chose to not consult with anyone and just "not blink" and do what she felt.


Whoa. All I said was that Wooten has admitted tasing his stepson. I didn't argue with anyone about what Palin did or should have done. Mom to Aly posted that there were only allegations from the Palins and I was just pointing out that was not the case.


It's quite simple to google and it's nothing new. I actually thought we had discussed this on the forum before. From September 5:


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Whoa. All I said was that Wooten has admitted tasing his stepson. I didn't argue with anyone about what Palin did or should have done. Mom to Aly posted that there were only allegations from the Palins and I was just pointing out that was not the case.


It's quite simple to google and it's nothing new. I actually thought we had discussed this on the forum before. From September 5:



Sorry, I was just saying what I thought about that fact there. It had nothing at all to do with you personally.

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