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Anyone else wish for a bigger HS budget?


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Here's why. No matter how much I had I still would see things I wanted to have.


And anyway the library is an amazing, wonderful resource. Just reading is the most wonderful thing I can get or do for my kids, and it's free (well I pay for it in my taxes but anyway...)


And I have spent lots on curricula, extras, doo-dads and materials and to me it's not fun. What's fun is for my kids to pursue *their* interest (my ds Legos and my dd cooking and gardening) and I don't think that comes out of my hs budget anyway- because I would do that for them even if they were in school.


So I guess right now I am feeling content with the budget we have. Which is about 300 per year for both kids.

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I would rather be a part of this dream homeschool library with a large group of homeschoolers where I can go and borrow something to try out before I waste my money.


I've only learned this year that I can't do it all and I only have so much room in my house.


God Bless,


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"Yes, yes, yes!!!" The first thing I would buy would be wall to wall bookshelves for our school room to store it all! :) Then fill it with great literature, books on CD, learning games, hands on math/science materials and so much more!


Honestly though right now I could use a maid to help me keep my house clean and organized so I could spend more time reading to my boys! :D

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Our budget is fine for curricula IMHO. What I really wish I had money for is all the supplemental classes, activities, and outings.




I'd love to be able to add more art classes, music lessons, and such but it's all so expensive!

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o.k. I confess- it's really the extra-curriculars that I want, too. Sure, I'd like to spend $100 at the Logos and VP click and ship but I figure I can get those later for less. The lessons, camps, etc are a little harder to come by- anyone have great ideas on how to get violin, dance and gymnastics lessons discounted?

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I am not sure I could spend more than the 3K I have spent this year on curriculum. You just have to love Calvert. :( And then having Calvert not work for one of your kids, at all... and then having to buy other stuff to supplement for the other Calvert curriculum you have for your other child. Then, having to sell Calvert for less than half of what you paid for it and then having to buy more curriculum. Then just for good measure...be indecisive on math and chage that 3 times as well (for BOTH kids each time).


Yeah. :(


I just wish I could have gotten it "right" the first time. Wishful thinking, huh? And actually, right now, I am just hoping to set a good, small budget next year (like $800 TOTAL) and STICK TO IT! LOL

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Yes and no. We're wanting for nothing curriculum wise, but I wish I had the funds for native fluency language tutors, ideally for 2 or 3 hours per week.

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anyone have great ideas on how to get violin, dance and gymnastics lessons discounted?



I teach violin, and discount for various reasons like: multiple children taking from the same family, free lessons for referals, swapping lessons for other services that families can give, and I also discount for homeschoolers that can come before 3:00pm. Dance and Gymnastics would be harder to manage a discount, though. The bigger the organization, the less flexible they are, unfortunately.


I don't count the extra-curriculars in my homeschool budget, each has their own line item. Makes the budget look nicer. :001_smile:


That said, I'm always looking for ways to cut other line items shorter to add to my homeschool line!! :D


One main line item I'd like to add is a bi-lingual house maid. Then my children could learn to be fluent in a foreign language, and also keep my house clean and organized at the same time!! ;)

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