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How to teach R&S Spelling


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What does a typical day/week look like when using R&S spelling?  Do you do it every day?  3 times a week?  Do you read everything first and then teach to your child?  I'm trying to figure it all out and would love any help anyone has to offer.  :)

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We did the 4th grade book last year. I had him do parts A, B, and C on consecutive days, and then a test the next. If he got a 100%, we moved on to the next chapter the following day (with the goal of finishing the book early). If not, we'd review whatever needed to be reviewed and retest the next day. So every chapter took 4-5 days.

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For the 4 book on day 1 they read the word list aloud to me and did section A mostly on their own. I was near for questions if they were stuck. Day 2 they did section B the same way. Day 3 they took a practice test on the words (my natural spellers skipped this). Day 4 they did section C. Day 5 final test. I didn't actively teach the lesson unless they struggled, but I did teach on the fly during the practice test as needed.

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For the 4 book on day 1 they read the word list aloud to me and did section A mostly on their own. I was near for questions if they were stuck. Day 2 they did section B the same way. Day 3 they took a practice test on the words (my natural spellers skipped this). Day 4 they did section C. Day 5 final test. I didn't actively teach the lesson unless they struggled, but I did teach on the fly during the practice test as needed.

Thank you!  About how long did they spend each day?  I'm coming from another spelling program and trying to figure out how much time to allot--for my kids and for me. 

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We did the 4th grade book last year with my 3rd grader. On Monday, I gave him the pretest and assigned part A. Tuesday he did part B, and Thursday and Friday I usually broke up part C and he did a bit each day. (Or I broke up B, depending on how long it was). So basically he did spelling every day. On Friday I gave him the test.

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My natural speller did it completely independently.  It took him about 10-15 minutes a day.(Level 3)  R&S works great for him.  He missed 2 words all year.

Day 1 Monday-Part A(write missed words)

Day 2 Tuesday-Part B(write missed words)

Day 3 Wednesday-Part C(write missed words)

Day 4 Thursday-Study words

Day 5 Test(including missed words friom last week)

If he missed words, he had to write them 5 x/day the next week and retest Friday with the new lesson


My dd struggled last year with 5.  I am remediating with Apples and Pears this school year.  Independent spelling is not the right path for her.  

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We are mostly independent.


Monday- we go over the list together, saying each word out loud, then me writing on the whiteboard and him in a spelling notebook. This took 5-10 minutes.


T-Th- parts a,b,c respectively. This is completely independent. These take 5-15 minutes depending on how much he focuses.


F- I give a test. Missed words are discussed and written 5 times. Again, 5-10 minutes.

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