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Starting singing as an (almost) adult


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My 17 year old loves to sing.  He sang in the middle school choir for 2 years, but didn't continue in high school for a variety of reasons.  I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember how to read music.  


We're transitioning back to home school for senior year for a variety of reasons, and one thing we're looking for is opportunities for him to connect with others and develop some life long recreational skills.  So, I'd love for him to get back into singing, but I'm not sure how.  


A low key church choir would probably be perfect for him, except for two things.  One is that he doesn't identify as Christian, and says he'd feel awkward about that.  That's probably surmountable since there are UU churches and an Ethical society with choirs in our area.  The bigger issue is that he's involved in a sport that has practice on Sunday mornings, and probably wouldn't give that up for a choir.


There seem to be a lot of community choirs in our area, but they all require auditions, which he isn't ready for.  There are also lots of programs for children, but I think he's too old to start in any of them. 


Suggestions?  Creating things I could type into google?

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If he's game, I wouldn't assume he couldn't get into a community choir by audition.  Often they're looking for more guys.  It does depend though.  We have a huge range of options here and some could be a possibility for a newcomer that could carry a tune.


How about voice lessons?  A good teacher can help find opportunities. 


My son sings and really enjoys doing theater?  Might that be an option in your area?  Although, if he's doing sports and your schedule is very constrained by that, it may not be a good fit. 


I would at least check in with the UU.  Sometimes they have out of the box music opportunities.  We go to a UU. 


Could he JUST do choir through the high school?



Edited by WoolySocks
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We have a non-audition Jewish choir here that practices on some random day and strictly does community events. There is also a community choir that I know if that is non-audition, but they are way on the outskirts of town. They exist, so I hope you guys find something similar!


Oh! They also have a choir class at at least two community colleges here, so maybe that is an option?

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Does he want to do choral music?  show music? Opera?  Rock band?   That will depend on which direction he goes for a voice teacher.  Singing for a Broadway show is very different than singing in a choir.


Choral groups run the gamet of audition options.  The first one I joined had a laughable audition, and it showed in the choir's ability.  However, the men's section was great.  Another audition I went to required me to have a piece ready, do scales, and sight-sing.  I'm not that practiced in sight-singing.   I didn't get in. :( 


Most community choral groups will take just about anyone interested. 


I would google Choral Arts Societies, choral groups, community chorus. etc. etc.   Auditions usually start in Aug. 


Good luck.

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Thanks for the ideas.  To address a few


Our schools don't allow any kind of split enrollment, so if he went for choir he'd have to go for math and English.  The Community College idea is a great one.  I just checked and they have a choir, but it's a credit course which might be tricky to fit into our schedule.


He's my kid that I'd describe as super extroverted but shy.  So, activities that provide community and a chance to meet others are a priority. Theater would be a great idea, except that he's already really involved in tech theater, and the two would almost certainly conflict.  I think that because of his personality he'd prefer a choir, which plays to both his extroversion (more people to meet) and his shyness (not so much pressure since you're one of a group singing) over voice lessons, but I can ask.  


I'll keep looking into local choirs.  I really like the idea of a UU choir, but all the churches I've checked have the choir sing at some kind of Sunday morning service.   

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