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Do you give homework?

sandra in va

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This year, I'm finding my oldest two have to finish some of their subjects at night and it's been a good thing for our kids to add in a "homework time" each night after dinner. It made me wonder how much homework others give (if any!) to their homeschooled kids.


If you give homework, do you assign specific things as homework or is homework basically anything not finished during the day? What age do you usually start giving homework?



Edited by sandra in va
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The only regular homework my 7th grade ds has is reading for history. We're using History Odyssey and he has to read some historical books. If he only did it during "class" time, we'd never get through it.


The only other homework he gets is if he doesn't finish his work during the day. Sometimes that happens because we decide to have a friend over, go to the park, etc. instead of finish schoolwork during the day.


Ds gets up around 8:30 and can be done by 2pm if he's motivated.

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My DS10 is in 5th grade. I don't give homework per se, but if he is dwaddling on something, I will ask him to put it aside and finish on his own time (ie after lunch, after chores, when it is supposed to be "free time").


This rarely happens, but the few times it has, kind of opened his eyes to the repercusssions of "dwaddling". By this I mean repeatedly doing things, anything, but the work he has been assigned to do.



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I try not to because dh really likes to do stuff with the kids in the evenings. He reads Spanish and the Bible and plays gameswith them and so he doesn't really want them working on other subjects. The kids do have some reading that has to be done in the evenings. And, I have threatened ds that he will have to do his math with dh if he messes around. This is not fun for him because dh is stricter than I am and makes him do a lot more practice, etc. So, just the mention of doing his math with dh in the evening is enough to focus him. :001_smile:

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I understand what you mean, but that is always one of the questions about homeschool that gives us a chuckle.


I have given my kids the choice to do some of their work (not extra) in the evenings. They decline the offer, because they want to get it done and over with during the day! Most days I have an idea of what I think they should accomplish, but I can tell if they are getting burned out and call it a day. There's always tomorrow. ;)

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Thanks everyone for their replies!! I always appreciate getting feedback from folks here. It seems that most that have replied do not have much extra work in the evening. That is how we have done it for all the years up to this one; this year is the first we've had a more concentrated "homework" time in the evening. If we did not do this - we would not be able to finish the work I would like to finish for this year. Time will tell if it is a useful practice or if it is a recipe for burn-out! :tongue_smilie:


Please continue to share!!

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