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Does anyone wonder how long the financial wizards will keep trying to pull another

Guest Virginia Dawn

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and sticking to it. It is what responsible people do when times are tough. Why doesn't the government think the rules apply to them?




Has it crossed anyone else's mind that Dave Ramsey should be advising in all this mess?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Well, if you believe the hype this morning. A government take over of our economy may be the next trick.


God forbid.



I think I'm going to be sick.

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Well, if you believe the hype this morning. A government take over of our economy may be the next trick.


God forbid.



I think I'm going to be sick.


My understanding was that the $700 billion bailout was supposed to stop all this from happening. Now they want to take equity in the banks and we are supposed to believe this is in our best interests??


It would be better to take our chances on the market falling and then eventually recovering on its own. The government should stay out of this.

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Well, if you believe the hype this morning. A government take over of our economy may be the next trick.


God forbid.



I think I'm going to be sick.



The government is already taking over entire swaths of our economy. It is now necessary for the government to make direct loans to giant corporations because the banks can't/won't. :(

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Well, if you believe the hype this morning. A government take over of our economy may be the next trick.


God forbid.



I think I'm going to be sick.


One of the local talk radio guys made this comment, it gave me goosebumps.


(paraphrasing here) We are going to sell ourselves into socialism. The government will own the banks, the mortgage company, the insurance company....where do we go then?


Of course, there is the question again, what do we do about it? When your elected officials don't do what the public wants them to do, as with the bail out, where do you go? What can you do? I'm seriously considering write in candidates for every office. In TX it won't make a whit of difference who I vote for for president and the rest of the elected officials (except Michael Burgess) have proven they aren't worthy of my trust or my vote. And apparently there isn't enough of a difference between the parties to matter if I vote democrat or republican in this next election. They're all inept.

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