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And since I popped my nose in the boards......


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Hi and welcome back!  I'm glad you pop in once in a while.  I am definitely an old timer, although you would never know it by my post count.  I've graduated 3, my ds is the same age as your triplets, and still have 4 more to go.  Even though I have 6 more years of this homeschooling gig, I'm looking to the future.  I've got 3 very part time jobs (working in a college bookstore, and tutoring 2 students separately), and I'm hoping to ramp up slowly as my kids continue to graduate.


I thought about you the other day when I noticed the shoes piled up by the back door.


I thought about you recently... and were wondering if you were coming to our next local get together July 19th?  Hadn't seen you post on that thread.



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I thought about you recently... and were wondering if you were coming to our next local get together July 19th?  Hadn't seen you post on that thread.




Yes, I plan to come, maybe with Reg and/or a child or two in tow.  I think I responded to Garga's pm.  Thanks for the reminder!


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Hi Remudamom!


It is good to see you!


I' m a mother-inlaw and grandma now;middle child got married and had a baby last year. Oldest is doing well, and dd is dating a young man who is currently in the throes of Air Force BMT.


I'm teaching preschool, battling some anxiety and depression, and doing some writing. Old dog and fairly new kitty get along famously. Life is pretty good.


Pls visit frequently!

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Yes, I plan to come, maybe with Reg and/or a child or two in tow. I think I responded to Garga's pm. Thanks for the reminder!


I was wondering this, too. I thought I saw Reg on the news when the national spelling bee was happening. It was just a quick shot of people sittingin a row of chairs but the guy nearest to the canera looked like Reg.

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I was wondering this, too. I thought I saw Reg on the news when the national spelling bee was happening. It was just a quick shot of people sittingin a row of chairs but the guy nearest to the canera looked like Reg.


We were there, so it could have been Reg.  You have sharp eyes.  :)  It was our 8th time to have a child in the NSB, and Ds made the finals, so it was a fun time.  I only have two more years of running our homeschool spelling bee after running it for the past twelve years.  And then I get to retire from running bees.  Yippee!!!


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I give up.  Can't load pictures.  Anyhow, the girls are one, two and four.  They live a half mile down the road on the ranch.  I get them all day two days a week and lots of other times too!  Getting ready to move into a lodge we bought last year that is a half mile from the babies in the other direction and move our newest married couple into the home base.  Oldest daughter has married and lives 90 miles away, everyone else right here where I can get my hands on them!  Love it.

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I give up.  Can't load pictures.  Anyhow, the girls are one, two and four.  They live a half mile down the road on the ranch.  I get them all day two days a week and lots of other times too!  Getting ready to move into a lodge we bought last year that is a half mile from the babies in the other direction and move our newest married couple into the home base.  Oldest daughter has married and lives 90 miles away, everyone else right here where I can get my hands on them!  Love it.


Wow! That sounds terrific! So glad you dropped by! Thank you for taking time to update.


I don't know if we overlapped enough for you to remember me, but I remember you. I am now retired from homeschooling after my dd graduated a year early this year. Ds is in college and lives on campus but less than an hour away. Dd will be moving about 3 hours from home. I'd love to have them back in the neighborhood!

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