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Quick Comma Usage Lessons


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After a few times of my saying, "I don't expect you to know this, since you haven't been taught it, but a comma should go right here in your sentence," my son requested to be taught comma rules. Right now he knows to use commas in a list of three or more items, but that's about it. He knows the eight parts of speech, but hasn't learned about clauses, phrases, etc. What resource could I use to quickly go over comma rules with him? I don't expect it to stick at this point, but it could at least help so he doesn't feel frustrated at not knowing what he needs for his writing.

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He's the correct age for it, but it looks like it's 15 week long lessons, which would require doubling up on English curriculum.


I assume my curriculum (ELTL) will cover comma usage when it gets into phrases and clauses, so I'm looking for something quick to give a basic overview instead of mastery.


Does anyone have the Basher punctuation book? Is it what I'm looking for?

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