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SI Joint pain?


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I've had some minor pain in what I am fairly sure is the SI joint off and on for a while now. I did some chiropractic and it really didn't help. She'd pop my tailbone back into place and I swear it would be back out by the time I got home. She did give me some stretches to do, in general, which help and told me to stop doing some of the weird sitting postures I was doing that were probably aggravating it. 


She felt the problem was the left side of the sacrum getting stuck/malpositioned but the pain is the right side. I think it's been there since I was pregnant with my now 3 year old. If I am sitting in the car I can twist just right and pop it. I really think there is instability on that right side. 


the pain isn't bad, at all, just aggravating. I don't want it to get worse. Certain things aggravate it, like today I was doing water aerobics and when opening my legs wide like a jumping jack it hurt. We're trying to have a baby, so I think having adult relations frequently may also have aggravated it. 


I found some physical therapy exercises on the internet, but am wondering if anyone has gone to a PT for this and had any success? Or used a brace for a while? I'm worried that if/when I do get pregnant it will make it worse. 

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I've had issues (sometimes really bad) since my first pregnancy. The stretching exercises help mine a lot, and avoiding prolonged sitting or standing as much as possible. Which is hard to do sometimes, since when it's flaring even standing long enough to fix a quick dinner or brush my teeth/dry my hair/put on a dab of make-up is unbearable. I've never done PT, but if it flares again I probably will pursue that. The older I get the less I can tolerate pain. :(  

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Common problem.  A PT could be a huge help, if he/she does it well.  It's worth finding out if they use osteopathic manipulation techniques.  Using an SI belt can help when pain is a problem, but it doesn't put things back where they should go - you have to do the exercises and/or go to the PT for that. 

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I just started going to a chiropractor because of this - but in much more pain now, which she says is "normal." Has anyone had good or bad experiences going to a chiro? I feel like she is going to just tell me that it works because that's what she does and believes, yet I don't know who else to go to. My most distressing symptoms are groin pain :/ as well as nerve pain down my leg. Been to a urologist and gynecologist already until doctor Google told me it's likely SI joint and related nerve/muscle pain... I recently had a baby which probably hasn't helped!! I'm interested in hearing other peoples responses.

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