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Geography DVDs- Does this exist?

Trivium Academy

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Is there a DVD series out there that explores the world continent by continent? I'd like something to shows the culture, landmarks, maybe discusses historical events but I'd most like it to be a visual trip to another place.


I'm currently looking for South America and I found Globe Trekker: South America at PBS. http://www.shoppbs.org/product/index.jsp?productId=2872537&cp=&sr=1&kw=south+america&origkw=south+america&pg=1&parentPage=search


Is there anything else like this?

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Maybe something like this would suit you. You learn a lot about the country, but mostly coming from the point of view of the lives of six people or so. The filming is excellent, and South America so far there is Brazil and for Central America Mexico. Opens up a lot of discussion points for older kids like yours. Our five-year-old enjoyed watching with us.


We're renting the series through Netflix.

Edited by sagira
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Also The Pilot Guides -- South America:


From Pilot Guides, the internationally successful television travel franchise, comes five of South America’s countries together in one box set: Argentina, Brazil, Chile & Easter Island, Equador and the Galapagos Islands and Peru.


Embark with Justine Shapiro, Neil Gibson and Ian Wright on amazing journeys and discover what treasures these fabulous places possess in their culture, history, festivals and locations.

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Jessica...please be aware that you might want to preview the Globetrekker DVDs. I didn't because I was under the impression they were originally on PBS?? Anyway, we did Brazil and Oh My Gosh...when they covered Carnivale I couldn't believe what they were showing! Let's just say lots of nudity and graphic acts. I'm sure my feet were off the floor as I raced to the TV. I'm not sure if they're all like that or not, but just wanted you to be aware.

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Jessica...please be aware that you might want to preview the Globetrekker DVDs. I didn't because I was under the impression they were originally on PBS?? Anyway, we did Brazil and Oh My Gosh...when they covered Carnivale I couldn't believe what they were showing! Let's just say lots of nudity and graphic acts. I'm sure my feet were off the floor as I raced to the TV. I'm not sure if they're all like that or not, but just wanted you to be aware.


Oops! I had forgotten about that. Dh and I don't even think about it. He's American, but he doesn't see anything wrong with that, but as a lesson in a different culture (this is how most Brazilians celebrate carnival). I come from a different culture too, and we celebrate carnival too. Although we don't have full nudity, some people come close, though :lol:


However, not in the extent that Brazil does it (maybe that's why its carnival is number one in the world).


I remember now when we saw one of those things when ds was smaller and he said, "look, num-nums!" (His words for his nursing companions :lol:)


Sorry about that!


For us the only things I censor heavily for ds and dd are:




-swear words

-real news stories and photos, are these can be graphic

-TV medical operations

-crudeness and rude behavior and words


In any case, it's always best to preview so you can decide for your family :)

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Samantha Brown's series for Europe and Latin America are usually ok - except for the occasional bar/alcohol scenes.


Globetrekker is usually not. I saw one episode where the natives try to get the perky travel host to smoke an unknown substance, and she is immediately "affected". It's a great show. I love to watch it, just not for the kids.

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GlobeTrekker is great! I agree that you may wish to preview them for the rare thing that you may not wish to cover just yet. The episode on Sweden with host Meagan McCormick does a segment on the country's gay pride parade...nothing lewd at all, but lots of drag queens. :laugh: Also, a bit of discussion about drugs in the hamlet (?) of Christiania.


(Just FYI since I saw this one recently.) :D

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