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His math and reading scores have flipped now


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12 yr old was having a lot of trouble with his math. He was above average, but not by much. Previously, his reading was 9th stanine. When I am done nursing the baby, I will post exact scores. I am definitely a STEM person myself. So, this year, math went from 73 to 99th percentile. Reading went from 99th to 80th.


I feel like I need to have us really work on reading or something. I am not one to have a reading program. But he is one to not want to read when he can. Should I adopt a reading program? Should I let it go but enforce reading times? Maybe have some periods throughout the day where he has to read?

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What test did he do? If reading is testing reading comprehension, the passages do get more nuanced as grade levels go up. Choosing the second best answer can easily bring the percentile down. Literature as in reading and discussing assigned books helped, reading comprehension worksheets helped boost my boys scores up. Not sure what you mean by a reading program so can't answer on how helpful that would be.

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80th percentile is still very good. Could it be that the general population of kids that have normal struggles with reading do better around age 12, thus making the percentages different? IDK, just wondering. I'm not one to know how it works since I don't have my kids tested, but my 1st thought is reading percentages can change as slower readers catch up. I scored around 25% in reading until about 8th grade, then picked up to higher percentage. I could imagine that higher percentage I gained threw off the stats for the better readers. I think having the test show the percentage points scored in reading instead of the percentile with other students is a more accurate personal assessment. However, in answer to your question, I would just set reading times and assign books of adequate challenge. No Dr. Seuss for reading time ;)

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