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Pot luck expectations?


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She wasn't kidding. The second response (the "you have cattle" response) was via a phone call. There was not one hint of humour in her voice. Quite the opposite.

Sorry about this. And here I thought I solved the mystery. Even if she requested the dish at sign up time, the brisket is too much to ask for someone to bring to a standard potluck. The time you happened to have extra to generously share with the crowd was a special treat and should have been treated like one. When I think "potluck," I think crockpot meatballs, chicken tenders, broccoli casserole, potatoes au gratin, pasta salad, and lasagna type dishes. When I think "brisket," I think special occasion meals like family reunions, Easter dinner, graduations, and weddings.

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Is this someone you have to see on a regular basis? a relative or someone whom you love and care about? 'Cuz she'd probably be way down on my list of People I Love to Socialize With.



She is definitely way down on my list of People I Love to Socialize With, but unfortunately, she is someone I have to see on a regular basis.  It is a very small community and I am involved in various groups.  There is a small pool of people who seem to be the volunteers for everything, so we see each other in several community groups.  This is the first time she's hosted the Volunteers Pot Luck, though.  From the sound of it on the evening (this past Sunday), this will likely be her last time.  There were other people with examples similar to mine and one so much worse that I can't even imagine the restraint necessary to ensure we weren't attending a funeral after the supper.


I think her intention in making the requests she was making was to ensure that there were a lot of premium dishes.  There were a number of people at the event that I think she was trying to impress.  However, if she had just let us all do our thing, people would be impressed anyway.  We are a bunch of farm women.  We do know how to feed people well, and from scratch.  Given my past 20+ years of pot luck experience here, this community has no lack of good cooks, that's for sure.  But, when you start talking down to us or ordering us around like we're idiots who don't know how to throw a good supper... well.... good luck with that.

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