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8th Grade Physics

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My rising 8th grader has done everything in her power (haha) to avoid physics.  I've never liked physics myself, so it's been rather easy to fall into accommodating her and her sister's avoidance.  And they've been heavily involved in other areas of science, so I don't feel guilty but, this year, the older dd is taking an outsourced course for high schoolers, so I'm forcing (haha, again) physics on the younger dd this year, along with my rising 4th grader.


I have experiments out the wazoo. I have activity guides, journals, lab books, lap books, workbooks, and more elementary level supplementary books than we'll ever get through.  (Going broke was how I once believed I could guilt myself into covering physics.)  All the hands-on stuff is covered, 


I would LIKE to find more reading material for my 8th grader, but not textbook or encyclopedia style.  TWTM mostly lists experiment kits and activity guides, along with Eyewitness books, and RS4K, of which I'm not a big fan.  I'm eyeing a few options on Amazon, but they lack the "look inside" feature and have few to no reviews.


Any tried and true recommendations?

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We have been using Life of Fred. My daughter is only technically in 5th (but a bit ahead as she is very math oriented), but she is enjoying the casual nature of the LoF book and I feel like it's a good introduction.

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