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Geometry-drawing ideas for 8yo?...


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A few months ago DS8 did the section of RightStart C that involved using a T-square, triangles, and board to do various geometry activities (e.g., divide a hexagon into even 1/12ths.) He loved it, so much so that every few days he asks, "When will the book do more drawing?"


As an engineer, you would think I might have ideas for activities he could do. I have none. I can't seem to find resources to suggest any. I let him "play" with those tools (and a compass) but he wants specific goals that require him to think of a way to use his tools.


Any ideas or resources? Some workbook from another math program? Please? At the risk of turning him into another engineer, I'd like to encourage this.]



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I used to love doing that stuff, too. Geometry came easily to me; I never understood why I had to wait til h.s...


I might just get him a geometry book. He can practice drawing angles of different sizes/degrees. He can cut triangles in two. He can even learn some of the rules. When I was a kid, I LOVED this stuff!


Also, he might like a tanagrams game. You know, that's where you get a bunch of tiles in different shapes and you have to combine them to make complicated figures. Not exactly what you were asking for, but it sounds like he might enjoy it.


good luck!

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My dd really enjoyed the drawing in RS also. I have the RS Geometry for her and have thought about letting her do it now, alongside our current BJU math, just for fun. If you just do it one lesson a week, a fun Friday thing along with your review sheet, that would be fine.


I think the suggestions about drafting and computerized drafting are also good. I have a girl, so she takes it another direction, drawing out clothes for me to sew her, making her own patterns to sew her little creations, etc. She likes to sculpt, and lately she's been doing this thing with stencils and fashion design that is fun. But that's all girl stuff, not helpful to you. I just toss it out as the thought that the perception skills that make them enjoy the drawing in RS carry over into other skills. He might like looking at schematics to put together models or studying woodworking using detailed instructions with diagrams. It's the way the skill carries over to the physical world, kwim? Or maybe something where he's trying to build. Have you tried Kapla blocks? My dd adores them and has found them very useful as something she can use to create things she envisions.

Edited by OhElizabeth
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I'm going to check out the Complete-A-Sketch books and the geometry software. And OhElizabeth, I didn't even think of getting the RS Geometry - great idea! We'll use it eventually, so I might as well get it now (a logic that always makes DH laugh, then cringe).


And OhElizabeth is right, this interest in geometry carries over to the physical world - DS is an avid Lego builder, easily interpreting instructions for models intended for older kids and making his own creations that he then writes instructions for.


And I would rep you ladies except it's not letting me in!

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I second the suggestion for Complete-a-Sketch. These are fabulous books, and there is now a more advanced Complete-A-Sketch series (available on CD-ROM to print out.) My dd LOVES these, and they fulfill her desire to be precise and structured in her drawing. (She does free-form art, too, but she loves using the tools, KWIM?) You can go to the Insight Technical Education website to see all their products. We love 'em!

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