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Another Nutrimill question...

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A while back...I asked Nutrimill users how long it took a full hopper of grain to go through the mill because mind was very slow. I ended up sending my machine in to get an upgrade...and, it did work better. However, it started to spit flour out of that small hole/gap on the left side of the machine (when the bowl is pushed in) as it was nearing the end of milling 10-12 cups of grain. I contacted the company and they had me send it in, again! I got it back last week, and only used it on a small amount of grain to do a little baking. It seemed to work great! Well, this morning I plopped in my 12 cups of grain to make bread only to have it start spitting flour during the last cup or two of grain. Mine never spit THAT much flour until I had the upgrade. I mill in my garage because I would say there is about 1-2 tablespoons of flour that flies out of there!


My question...does anyone elses mill spit flour out of that little hole/gap on the left side of the mill? I guess I'm calling the company later today. Sigh...




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I try and grind 2 hoppers full in a row. Even if I clean it well, it will do it. But it does not do it the first time I mill.


I know in my instructions it had mentioned something about gluing (?) the seal (I think the round gray thing) if it was loose (?) I am unsure about this. Read through your book and see what it says. I never glued it, but it didn't seem to be a problem.


If it continues to be a problem, call them. The mill is to expensive not to be completely satisfied with it.

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To answer your question about the filter...yes...it is in place. Now that you bring up the filter issue...it seems as though it gets full of flour and then it starts to shoot out of the side. When I pull out the bowl...the filter is always "stuck"...and, pops out of it's little slot as the bowl is removed.


How many cups of flour...maximum...do you mill at one time? I'm wondering if I stop at 10 cups if the problem will not occur.


I'll call the company later. They are in Utah...so, I need to wait another hour or so until they open for business.




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To answer your question about the filter...yes...it is in place. Now that you bring up the filter issue...it seems as though it gets full of flour and then it starts to shoot out of the side. When I pull out the bowl...the filter is always "stuck"...and, pops out of it's little slot as the bowl is removed.


How many cups of flour...maximum...do you mill at one time? I'm wondering if I stop at 10 cups if the problem will not occur.


I'll call the company later. They are in Utah...so, I need to wait another hour or so until they open for business.





I think I recall mine spitting some flour once and when I opened the container, I figured it must have been because it was getting too full. I'm not sure exactly how much I mill at a time - I fill up a 2 quart type mixing bowl (I have one that's a Pyrex and the top line says 2 quarts, but I fill it to the top) and mill that much each time.

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Mine is around five years old and has always been messy frankly. I put on the washing machine to grind with a beach towel snuggled around it to catch stray flour.


Periodically I take the shop vac and really vacuum it well. I shake out all the flour that I can from the vents too. One time when I was having problems with it I even took it apart and vacuumed it out, although of course that's iffy for the warranty. I had ground too much flour and it backed up into the machine. Taking it apart fixed my problems though. :001_smile:

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