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Any ideas for a lego party/club?

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My son; 8 wants to start a lego club. I thought we could start with an initial lego party to see what sort of interest we had, etc.




We have already had about 10 kids between the ages of 6-10 interested.


I dont know if our legos can handle that many kids.....




Just thought I would not try to reinvent the wheel as I am sure many on here have been here or currently are here.


Thanks so much.




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My dh is leading a Lego project this year in 4-H. What he does for each meeting is have a theme, and have each member bring a Lego sculpture from home representing that theme. So far he has done Olympics, safety, and a scene from your favorite book. Each kid gets a chance to show off his stuff and talk about it. You could also have the kids break up into teams and have a "challenge" - like the tallest tower, or longest bridge. If I think of anything else I'll post more later.

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Well, if you want to "really" get into it, there's First Lego League (FLL) or Junior FLL...


Ds is just starting his third year on an FLL team, and it has really been a great experience. Our team is pretty low key -- they meet once a week to work on their robot and then do the research project and presentation -- but some teams are *Very* intense. Despite our approach, the guys went to the state finals last year, and finished reasonably well (though they didn't go on to World -- thank goodness! lol! we were tired by then...)... :)

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Our hs group has "Lego club" which consists of getting a room (currently at the library) and getting together to let the kids play with Lego for a couple of hours. The dc love it & so do the moms. :) One of our member brings all of the Lego; the small ones go on tables for the big kids, and the Duplo go on the floor for the little ones.


The giant Lego collection was started before my time; some were contributed by members, and others were found at yard sales. We do this about once a month during the school year. :)

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We have met at the library or a church that someone was a member of (meaning we could use it free of charge). We took 8 foot tables and put a strip of masking tape down the middle. Each child gets half a table. Each child bring their own legos. No sharing or mixing or crossing the line. We tried to have themes for each meeting (we met once a month) such as space, animals, machines, vehicles etc. At the end of the allotted time, each child got a turn with "show and tell" about what they made. We also did a craft for the girls since they weren't interested in building legos but got towed along because of a brothers involvement.

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