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Suggestions for an accelerated rising 8th grader


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Hello All

First off, A Big Thank You to all the active members on these forums. I have learned and applied so much from your posts, for homeschooling my kids.

My 13 year old DD is accelerated in math. She completed AOPS Algebra, Geometry, Precalculus (all with online components) and is currently doing the AOPS intermediate algebra. Thanks to a great math coach, she has been at Mathcounts States for 2 years, got into achievement roll in AMC 10, distinguished honor roll in AMC 8, placed in state and nationally in math kangaroo, and also went to the state ARML last year.

Now the calculus dilemma...two of her math team mates, also accelerated in math, are doing the AP calculus BC this May or the next year. The thing is, our State Flagship university needs great ACT/SAT scores along with 4/5 on AP calculus BC for dual enrollment. My daughter wants to do the AP calculus BC next year. We also are in a fix if we want her to transition to public high school later/ continue homeschooling through high school.

Anyways, for next year (8th grade) she plans to take:

1)AOPS calculus with prep for AP Calculus BC

2)Math contests prep along with AOPS intermediate probability (may be in summer)

3) Spanish 2 with the virtual school

4) Physical Science with virtual school

5) Home made English and Composition

6) SOTW vol4 with lot of documentaries/ reading


Thanks for reading so far... Should I change/add/remove anything? What should we do for math??

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Not sure what the dilemma is?


If local public school is a possibility, reach out to the department dean, and see what they say.  Ours has already told us they will actually bus our kid to&from the local university for DE studies once he finishes multivariate calc at the high school.  He has basically completed calculus already (theoretical approach), and will prep for AP-BC in 9th...

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The one thing I wonder is whether a more mathematical science would be a better fit. I know my science-focused DD found middle school level physical science trivial even at age 8, and your DD definitely has the math to do a good high school chem or physics class, and honestly could probably do AP chem or physics if she wanted to do so next year, since AP physics is often taken in conjunction with calculus. All that awesome applied math. My DD is younger, but I've found that high school and even college level science really is determined by math and that almost anything lower than that level is just marking time for math to be learned.

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Thanks for your replies.

Mike in SA : May be I should have been clearer😀 the dilemma is: Should she take the AP calculus in 8th grade?

Also considering the math contests, is it ok to "rush to calculus"?


dmmetler : Yes, she has done GPB basic physics and chemistry courses,

and is planning to take calculus based physics in the future.

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Thanks for your replies.

Mike in SA : May be I should have been clearer😀 the dilemma is: Should she take the AP calculus in 8th grade?

Also considering the math contests, is it ok to "rush to calculus"?


I think you're past the "rush to calculus" question already if precal is already done.  Even intermediate algebra is just a stall tactic at this point (counting & probability would be a different story).  When it's time, it's time.


I also like the idea of a math-heavy science, like physics 1&2.  Those will reinforce all the precalc concepts very powerfully.

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The rush to calculus often implies that kids are not going deeply into their studies. Many parents do not accellerate because their kids are driving the bus forward. They accellerate because they want their chikd to be a status symbol. Your daughter loves math, she has really applied herself to learning it, and as a resukt she is ready for AP Calculus.


As long as she realizes there are skads more facets of math to explore and learn, no issue. Many rush to calculus because they are so limited in view they do not understand how many awesome avenues there really are in math learning.

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The rush to calculus often implies that kids are not going deeply into their studies. Many parents do not accellerate because their kids are driving the bus forward. They accellerate because they want their chikd to be a status symbol.


This is the problem.  Calculus is not a status to chase - it is the next step for a well-prepared student.  By racing to the "end line" (as if there were such a thing), the student doesn't get a chance to prepare adequately for higher mathematics.  After AOPS Precalculus - again, assuming the grades were good - a student is probably ready for calculus.

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IMO, it is very likely she will qualify for AIME next year in 8th if she takes AMC10 again.


So, she might want to have time to include an AIME prep (Wished mine had more AIME prep when qualified in 8th).


Also, in 8th, if yours is not complaining about boring Science, she can devote more time in Math and do maybe conceptual Physics or something other than an advanced Science.


ETA: "in 8th" for Sc



Edited by JoanHomeEd
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