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How are HS'ing books stored in your home?

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I would really like some ideas on how/where would be a good place to store books/notebooks/textbooks. Right now everyone has a space on a book case we have in our schoolroom (living room), but my girls get a little frustrated when they have to spend alot of time pulling things out just to get to a certian book. Putting them back also causes a problem sometimes because we're squeezing more than we should on this book case.


So please share your ideas...pics would also be nice ;)





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I lined the wall next to the table with bookshelves. We also have a built in cupboard in the dining room that I turned into school shelves. We also have all of our refererence books next to the table, so they still get crowded though. I try to keep each child's things on different shelves and only keep the things we are currently using in the dining room.

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I have magazine files for curriculum to keep things together in the homeschool shelving. Then the children have credenzas for their own books.

History books that are being used currently are kept in the shelves in the school area, any other books are in the main bookcase.

Books that are not currently being used but will be in the future are put into well labelled boxes and stored in the garage.


I'm about to put up some pictures in my blog.

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We do school in the dining room and I store everything in the large hutch -- some would call it a china cabinet.


I have numerous drawers in it, which is perfect for storing things like paper, craft supplies, homeschool catalogs, glue guns, etc. -- anything that I would use during my current homeschool year.


I also have several cabinets in the top section. On one side, I keep the Sonlight cores, and our Trail Guide to Geography items -- basically, the curriculum that I'm using for more than one student.


On the other side, I have four shelves - one for each of my students, and that's where I keep their individual curriculum books (English, Math, Art, etc.)


(The curriculum that I'm not using, but I'm not ready to sell -- or I'm saving for another child -- I keep on bookshelves in the basement)

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Guest janainaz

I have a homeschool "closet". I call it my dirty little secret - no one walking in my house would know I homeschool. I have all the notebooks stored in there, school supplies and............. a bucket (rectangular) for all my teachers manuals and school workbooks. I could literally grab our bucket and go. I don't want maps on the wall and when school is done I want it all back in the closet. I love school, I really do, but since I don't have a room to dedicate, I don't want the rest of my house feeling like a classroom for my kids. :ack2:

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I keep the regular books (readers, dictionaries, etc.) on several "Billy" bookcases from IKEA that are placed in the hallway. The workbooks, readers, and textbooks they are each currently using are kept in their own dishpans. These are sturdy dishpans with handles. The kiddos are able to just grab and go, which is especially handy if we need to go out for the day. I cleared one shelf on the bookcase for these and two of them fit quite nicely.

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I have a homeschool "closet". I call it my dirty little secret -



Too good!


One thing I have done since my dd was 5--I have the main books we are working on, notebooks, and a pencil box in a milkcrate, that I turn facing out on our bookshelf. Then, if we ever want to go outside, or to a park, or we are going away (when we used to go away <sigh>), I can just pick it up and go, no thinking, no checking, it is all organized in a safe, easy to carry box. Very convenient.


Now that she is older, I have one for her Artistic Pursuits curriculum, and her art supplies, for when she wants to go outside for art, including her flower press, etc.

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