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They went from Benazir to this???

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She must be rolling over in her grave:


Pakistan's president tells Palin she's 'gorgeous'


On entering a room filled with several Pakistani officials Wednesday, Palin was immediately greeted by Sherry Rehman, the country's information minister. "And how does one keep looking that good when one is that busy?" Rehman asked Palin, drawing friendly laughter from the room.


"Oh, thank you," Palin said.


Pakistan's new president, Asif Ali Zardari, entered the room seconds later. Palin rose to shake his hand, saying she was "honored" to meet him. Zardari then called her "gorgeous" and said: "Now I know why the whole of America is crazy about you."


"You are so nice," Palin said, smiling. "Thank you."


A handler from Zardari's entourage then told the two politicians to keep shaking hands for the cameras.


"If he's insisting, I might hug," Zardari said. Palin smiled politely in response.




I am so. beyond. words.


I wish, I *wish* she could have made some retort. Please tell me that if she is elected she won't be subjected to this kind of treatment -- from ANYONE.


Ladies, we still have a long way to go. :mad:

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I may be in the minority, but I think she responded nicely. It doesn't bother me at all. If she had made some kind of response to him (like the one perhaps you feel she should have made), everyone would be discussing how she isn't "diplomatic" enough. Either way, someone is going to be slamming her for what she did or didn't say.


I think she handled it with grace.

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If she had made some kind of response to him (like the one perhaps you feel she should have made), everyone would be discussing how she isn't "diplomatic" enough. Either way, someone is going to be slamming her for what she did or didn't say.





Its not like she giggled and pretend slapped him and said, "Oh you naughty man."


The faux pas is entirely his, IMO.

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She did handle it with grace, I realize she was in a very awkward position. I wasn't criticizing (or meaning to criticize) her, rather Zardari -- will he seriously be all schmoozy with her if she takes office? Benazir was so classy, I am just stunned by the behavior of her widower. Yuck!




Oops, I totally misunderstood you. Sorry!

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It seems to me that you were upset with her for not saying anything.

No, it was more of a "it would have been so great if she could have done something", I don't know what that would be. I probably didn't word it well.


But I thought my thread title would have hinted that I was finding fault with Zardari, not Palin. I lament the fact that she had to face such blatent sexism, and have a pleasant vision of her punching him in the nose (but realize that was hardly possible under the circumstances, lol).


Sorry for the poor phraseology in my original post.

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Yeah, I just saw your comment and I have to say, I'm totally confused. It does sound as if both parties in the matter are being chastened.


I don't think so. This is a widowed (widowered?) Muslim man who is fawning over a woman, offering to hug her and thus actually belittling her and reducing her to a "pretty face and only that" being chastened by a Muslim woman (Kate).


That's how I read it. And on another level, in case I'm misreading Kate, it's a head of state (again recently widowed(ered?)) condescending to a potential vice-head of another state. His late wife, the former head of state whose position he is now filling, would never have stooped so low.

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I don't think so. This is a widowed (widowered?) Muslim man who is fawning over a woman, offering to hug her and thus actually belittling her and reducing her to a "pretty face and only that" being chastened by a Muslim woman (Kate).


That's how I read it. And on another level, in case I'm misreading Kate, it's a head of state (again recently widowed(ered?)) condescending to a potential vice-head of another state. His late wife, the former head of state whose position he is now filling, would never have stooped so low.


Yes, I can see that now. I think the word of the OP has been changed to better reflect what was intended b/c it truly wasn't clear originally. Hence my total confusion.

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And on another level, in case I'm misreading Kate, it's a head of state (again recently widowed(ered?)) condescending to a potential vice-head of another state. His late wife, the former head of state whose position he is now filling, would never have stooped so low.


That's what I'm sayin'! The Muslim thing didn't even come into it, I found his behavior completely inappropriate. What, if you are an attractive woman in government now you have to deal with this kind of thing? I guess in some cases you do, unfortunately..


Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, it really bothered me (can you tell, lol?).

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I found his behavior completely inappropriate.


You're totally right. I bet he wouldn't have told McCain how attractive he is & offered to hug him.


Of course, our own president here in the US massaged Angela Merkel (German Chancellor).


Wonder if Emily Post has ever written an etiquette book on presidential manners? Seems like a few world leaders could use a copy, eh? ;)

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