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Dr. Hive- need help figuring this out.


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So for background:


I was sick for the better part of a month and only started feeling completely well again about 10-14days ago. 


As soon as the weather started warming up last week I needed to start on my OTC allergy meds.  Never been officially dx but I'm sure I have seasonal allergies.


I've also noticed this weird problem with the right side of my neck and going down my arm.  Almost like a pinched nerve or stiff neck.  This has been going on for 3days.


About 6months ago I thought I was having a heart event and went to the ER.  I had several of the symptoms, and have a family history of heart problems, so they kept me for several hours and did tests - all was fine, no heart attack. I also got a stress test a few days later and passed just fine.


Yesterday and today I noticed a significant issue with my stamina.  Just going up the stairs I can barely breath and I just want to lay down.  I feel like I'm struggling to take a deep breath. I have no energy either. 


So, I'm thinking it could be allergy related, something lingering with this illness I had before.  But, I guess it could be a heart event.  Can I go from passing just fine to not good at all in 6months?


I'm pretty sedentary.  I hate exercise, but this lack of stamina and struggling to breath seems to have come on rather suddenly. 

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I don't know about the arm/neck thing, but have you ever suffered from asthma?  When my daughter first started suffering from it, it came right as her seasonal allergies were kicking in.  She didn't have the typical wheezing, but just seemed to lose her energy/stamina, and felt like she could barely walk up the stairs.  I remember her having to stop half-way up the stairs to sit down and rest.

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I don't know about the arm/neck thing, but have you ever suffered from asthma?  When my daughter first started suffering from it, it came right as her seasonal allergies were kicking in.  She didn't have the typical wheezing, but just seemed to lose her energy/stamina, and felt like she could barely walk up the stairs.  I remember her having to stop half-way up the stairs to sit down and rest.


I have not been dx with asthma, but I have one child with it.  The doctor told us at the time that allergies & asthma go hand-in-hand, it's just that some suffer more from one than the other.  I guess that means it's plausible. 


How did they dx your daughter without the wheezing?

Edited by PrincessMommy
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Also, could your iron be low? Like, really low? I had a prolonged bleeding episode (ugh) a year or so ago, and I also take daily antacids (which prevent iron from being absorbed into your system). Between the two, my iron level was so low it was amazing I was even up and walking. I mostly felt OK, unless I was going up and down stairs. Even going down stairs left me breathless. Going up one flight, I'd literally be panting at the top and weak in the knees. 


I'd still be concerned, and I'd go see my doctor, but it might be something as simple as this. 



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Sounds like you need some blood work done- b12, vitamin D, Thyroid check, complete blood count?  When my b12 level was low I was having numbness and tingling down my arm and went to the ER to see if it was cardiac related.  Also, I was short of breath climbing stairs and getting around.  Of course, now that I have the diagnosed condition, I feel like every time I hear someone with those same symptoms that they have the condition, too!   :laugh: I know that's not the case for most people, but it has raised my awareness about how B12 deficiency is such a missed diagnosis.

I hope you feel better soon. 

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I completely agree with the above posters. B12, and really low Iron both have caused this for me.

My pcp was clueless but could not ignore the iron levels,so put me on Ferrous sulfate.After 3 months of taking it my levels did not budge.


Then I searched here and found Floradix,I now take that once a day and my levels are finally inching up.

HTH and you feel better soon.

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I have not been dx with asthma, but I have one child with it.  The doctor told us at the time that allergies & asthma go hand-in-hand, it's just that some suffer more from one than the other.  I guess that means it's plausible. 


How did they dx your daughter without the wheezing?


She was so lethargic, and her breathing seemed to be in shorter breaths.  At one point I could see that her lips looked slightly blue, so I took her into the ER (of course it was on a weekend when I finally decided she should be seen).  They did that oxygen-in-your-blood check (something they clamp onto your finger) and hers was very, very low.  They were able to deduce pretty quickly that she was having severe asthma problems.  I can't even remember what tests they did besides the oxygen test, but it was fairly simple for them to realize what was going.  They probably did the test where you breathe in and then breathe out into a little tool that measures your input/output.  It was all so strange, because neither she nor I knew what was going on, and she barely complained.  She didn't have the typical tightening of the chest feeling.

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Whatever it is, it would be wise to go to the doctor.


You are right: fatigue is often a sign of an impending heart event. Depends on what kind of stress test you had 6 months ago. Regular old stress tests have a high false negative rate for women.


Even if it isn't heart, B12, asthma, etc. are good things for a doctor to assess. 


Hope you are feeling well soon. 

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Sounds like you need some blood work done- b12, vitamin D, Thyroid check, complete blood count?  When my b12 level was low I was having numbness and tingling down my arm and went to the ER to see if it was cardiac related.  Also, I was short of breath climbing stairs and getting around.  Of course, now that I have the diagnosed condition, I feel like every time I hear someone with those same symptoms that they have the condition, too!   :laugh: I know that's not the case for most people, but it has raised my awareness about how B12 deficiency is such a missed diagnosis.

I hope you feel better soon. 

Exactly this!  I am now supplemented with B12 shots (for ten years).  I thought I was out of shape, but right before I was diagnosed with pernicious anemia, I was winded walking across the room.

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