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Life of Fred Algebra

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Some people use it as a supplement, some people use it as the main program.


Here is a random thread I pulled up discussing it. I just typed the word "fred" into the search block and got tons of hits. Some of the threads I pulled up said things along the lines of "don't use it with Foerster's, it's too different", others said "makes a great supplement to Foerster's"; those aren't exact quotes, but give you an idea that you're going to find any and all opinions of it. Probably the same things are said about using it with Jacob's or whatever else people are using. Some people say no way should LoF be used as a main text, uh-uh, never ever is it good enough for that. Other people say it's complete unto itself.


Somewhere out there on the web is a site that discusses math programs for homeschoolers. It discusses LoF. If I had the link I'd give it to you.


We're using it as a main text, for the record. But I'm okay with y'all thinking we're nuts.:D

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I am going to chime in to this to say, first of all My dd12 has not done LOF algebra yet, but we have it. She is doing the percents and decimals now that she completed the fractions book.


I think the question of it being a complete program is totally dependent on your child. My dd is good in math but it does not come easy to her. So what I have found with LOF is that the amount of problems the lessons give is not quite enough for her to grasp and remember. With that said he does build in reviews throughout and she usualy looks back if she can't remember. So I believe I will use the LOF Algebra as a supplement to probably Jacobs and see how that goes. Now if you have a strong student in Math and they do not need a ton of review I say go for it. I beleive it covers everything you would find in a more tradional approach. Either way the books are great fun and I have enjoyed going through them myself with dd. I don't think you will regret buying them and giving them a go.


One thing I have learned is that what works for one child can be terrible for the next. So what might be a complete program for some won't neccesarily be for others.





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I compared the subjects covered in LoF Algebra II to Foerster's Algebra II/Trig (80's version) LoF had everything Foerster did. So I would say that LoF is a complete program.


That said, whether or not there are enough problems for your dc depends on the individual. Ds liked to think there were. There were definitely not enough for me (but I like to be able to produce a solution, not just recognize it, which requires more practice on my part.) If we were to do Fred as a stand alone program, I would definitely get the Home Companion.

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