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Math Olympiad Moms:

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1.  Does the old book of Math Olympiad contest sheets for practice include answers?



2.  Would this, or using Zacarro's Challenge Math for Middle School students, be more effective  in continuing to help my daughter exercise for problem solving skills?  Zacarro's teaches every unit and also builds slowly up to very challenging problems.  On the other hand maybe the Math Olympiad problems are harder?

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It does if you look at below link



How old? Past AMC8 papers would work too. Those have solutions.



Have you look at this? One of my local library has it

Competition Math for Middle School


Edited by Arcadia
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1. I believe so, but I don't own that one. Our MOEMS homework has been from volumes 2 and 3 this year.


2. They don't build like Zacarro. Every page has five problems and they're all different concepts. It does sort of build in difficulty as you go down the page, but it doesn't try to spiral or build incrementally. Which is best depends on your kid. :)

Edited by SilverMoon
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1.  Does the old book of Math Olympiad contest sheets for practice include answers?



2.  Would this, or using Zacarro's Challenge Math for Middle School students, be more effective  in continuing to help my daughter exercise for problem solving skills?  Zacarro's teaches every unit and also builds slowly up to very challenging problems.  On the other hand maybe the Math Olympiad problems are harder?


The difference between that volume 1 and subsequent volumes, is that newer books are separated into elementary and middle school level exams.  If you are using them for general problem solving, and not specifically preparing for MOEMS, then I think volume 1 would be fine.  


If your daughter is routinely getting 4 or 5 correct (out of 5) then you can switch to practicing with old AMC8's, as previous posters are recommending.  You can also find old MathCounts exams for middle school practice.  

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