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Does anyone know if there is a list out there of famous musical composers and/ or artists that you can study within their time period as it is discussed in the SOTW? (Specifically looking for Middle Ages, but really any of them...)


I haven't found an assembled list, but I'd love to hear of one! I've just done a lot of Googling. :) I've made my own template for printing timeline figures, so I try to make a point to pop those in as well as we go through a period (along with authors, famous books, etc). And sometimes the AG book list brings a composer or artist across our path (not so much Vol. 1).


Not that it helps you with a list, but those are the places I've looked. :)


We just started using Harmony Fine Arts.  It's a 4 year cycle and somewhat lines up with a 4 year history cycle (as much as you can for ancients anyway).  We're using Grade 6, which covers middle ages and Renaissance.  Grade 2 also covers the same time period, but at a younger level.  I don't think Grade 6 would be inappropriate for younger ages, so you may want to take a look at both levels.  We are really enjoying the music CDs and I think they are great for elementary ages as well.


I don't know how to directly link to my review of Discovering Great Artists, but here's my page of my reviews and you can scroll down and read exactly how I plugged it into specific chapters for  SOTW3 and 4. https://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/?ie=UTF8&ref_=ya_your_reviews&sort_by=MostRecentReview

If I had known about Discovering Great Artists when we did SOTW 2 I would've used it.  The artists covered before 1600 include Giotto, Limbourg, Ghiberti, Van Eyck, Angelico, Masaccio, Botticelli, DaVinci, Durer, Raphael, Michelangelo, El Greco and Reubens. 

Also, Diane Stanley has fantastic biographies of Michelangelo and Da Vinci.


The Wikapedia list is helpful! I was hoping for something I didn't have to buy. Our Classical Conversations group uses the Discovering Great Artists book, so I do like that one. I could probably figure out how to use that with SOTW if I actually bought it! Still leaves music, though...

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