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Anyone have experience with Veritas?

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I'm just curious, about both the online and self-paced Omnibus, and the Bible and History online.


I was pretty sure I had a plan in mind already, buuuuuut you know.  You like to look at things, find things out.  I can't assume to know everything this far in the game. ;)  Or ever.  lol!! :D   But it's always good to keep options open, at least IMO!


So yeah.  Anyone used any of those?

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We haven't yet used the Omnibus, but we've been using the self-paced history for 4 years. I love it. It really holds the attention of my kids with interactive games, vocabulary, videos with characters in costume that give all of the information There are quizzes and weekly tests. VP seamlessly integrates secular and Biblical/church history which we've always loved (used it with my olders before they were online). And that tackle meaty subjects at a manageable level for kids. Last week, my kids studied the controversy between Calvin and Arminius. 


I love that I can be working in the vicinity and it's easy enough for me to step in if my youngest needs help. Ds11 is completely independent. So two thumbs up for us. 

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My ds has used the self-paced classes for 2 years. I wish we'd found them sooner!  People can't believe how much he's learned and remembered from the classes. He enjoys the classes and the literature that goes along with it.  Next year, we plan to use self-paced omnibus.  I don't know anything about the live classes.  We will stick to self-paced to keep the cost down.  Veritas Press usually offers discounts in April, I believe.  Last year, we could defer the start date as late as 9/1 I think.  I've had to call customer service a few times for technical issues and they were very helpful.

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We use the self paced history and I really like it. It always gets done and it helps me spend time with my twins. My girls don't love it but they don't hate it either. They are learning from it and retaining the information. My biggest gripe with veritas press is the 5 year history rotation and it only covers Ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece. We listen to story of the world in the car though to make up for that. I amd just skipping Ancient Egypt since that is what they are covering in veritas press.

Eta: I want to do omnibus self paced also. My biggest concern is 12 Cesar's which is assigned in 7th grade and apparently talks about incest and beastiality. Wilson hill also offers a class called the great conversation which uses omnibus. Some of the teachers teaching at wilson hill broke off from veritas press for some reason and formed a new company.

Edited by Momto4inSoCal
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It gets done! I like it a lot, because "outsourcing" (I use that term lightly) history works for our family in this season of life. My DD8 doesn't love it, but she typically will ask to do it before other subjects. It can take a lot of time; more time than I like for one subject, sometimes. The quizzes are sometimes maddeningly repetitive, but I don't think that's terrible for an 8-year-old. Her retention isn't fabulous, but that doesn't bother me too much at this stage. The expectations of Explorers to 1815 are likely just a bit above her level anyway. I let her take the tests open-notebook because of her age (I don't expect her to remember exact dates). 


Overall, I think this has been a worthwhile choice for our family, and I plan to use it again next year. 

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We are using the self paced history. Things I love: it gets done, interactive, independent, the kids like it (I don't think they love it, but they enjoy ding it and when I asked if next year they preferred this again or go back to books, they chose this), cost (they have sales that make I very affordable), did I mention independent?!? ;) Things I don't love: the games (some of them are very difficult) and many seem pointless and you cannot skip them. (My ds usually likes them, dd hates them). I also do not like the focus on dates...after the class I do not think that is what my children will remember and it frustrates me that they spend that much time and energy on dates for tests. All in all we are happy and plan to continue.


My niece uses self paced Omnibus. What I have seen is incredibly impressive, and we are headed in that direction. I have considered the Great Converstion classes at Wilson Hill as well...


We don't use the Bible but my younger niece and several friends do and love it. I am considering it for next year.

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I liked the self paced history. At first. It quickly became drudgery. It took too long, because of all the repetitive games that could not be skipped, and we still did history reading because I did not feel that listening to the video was enough.


I don't know. At home, combining history with the VP cards makes sense, because you can gear the readings and amount to the age of the student. The VP home history curriculum also includes ideas for extra reading, crafts, and writing assignments. The self paced online option has to cover such a range of ages that it didn't seem to fit what I wanted and be enough for what I wanted for history.


The self paced Omnibus looks better to me. Have you watched the samples? I liked them a lot and briefly considered the program. However, I think that class should be a discussion among people, either parent or teacher and classmates. Not just watching a video. While there is a lot of interesting information in the videos, my concern was that it would take more time than necessary and crowd out time for discussing and writing about the books. I'm considering Great Conversations with Wilson Hill at some point.

Edited by Penelope
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