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To other mom's of a wide age span

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My kiddoes are 18 years apart from start to finish and are now aged 4-22. Do you find your creativity...or zeal you once had for adventure with little ones has taken a vacation?? Tell me what you did to re-spark that yahoo...lets color...or woo-hoo...it's a ladybug...Let's find out about them. I feel like my brain has gone fishing...and I am clueless on how to inspire these little guys. I guess I have also reached the stage where I am more tired than inspired. I have big old brain fog!!! Tell me I am not alone...and tell me how you got past this stage and back to the fun Mom stage.



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Faithe, I'm working on that one...(it involves prayer). I know exactly what you are saying, though. It is a challenge, isn't it? I'd sure like some of that mid-20's energy back. I feel like I'm becoming a cranky old woman (grin). Blessings.



Hahaha...I am a cranky old woman...and I have the gray hair and whiskers to prove it! Thank God for Clairol and wax!




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Guest Virginia Dawn

I have a 19 year spread. I now let my little one's initiate the excitement and I just go along for the ride, facilitating where necessary. I figure they have enough creativity to make up for my lack.


I also still have interests of my own that I talk and study about. Some of that trickles down. It's enough.

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It's hard to muster much enthusiam for the things we have done repeatedly. We've already discovered the joys of sand tables, building ziggurats from packing boxes, and read Curious George a MILLION times.


I'm with you, "Yeah, boy, a lady bug. So what?" :D


Sometimes it helps to have the older one experience lady bugs, write letters in shaving cream on the table, and play counting bears. That leaves Mom to read "Velveteen Rabbit" and some of the other great books that we didn't have time for in the past 12 years. We'll be able to do science experiements that we never did before because this time there will be no baby to mess them up.


It's a trade off. The older children get more enthusiasm and the younger ones get more appreciation.


Oh, and our age span is 11.5 years rather than 22, but we still struggle with so many developemental milestones.

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My age span is 23 down to 3. Everyone loves or has loved to learn. My 2nd to last has issues and is making it very difficult. She is smart but can't sit still. When she is having a bad day, look out! We all suffer and all my great ideas go right out the window! Ugh! I have been thinking lately about how the others were so quiet and loved to learn, to be read to, etc.

My oldest dd has started to do her work in the evenings so she can "teach" the 2 younger ones during the day. This is working. I now have the time to sit with Tom (always seems to be left out).

And yes, I think I'm getting tired. I can't stay up past 9:30/10:00!!:lol: And that is late! :lol:

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I also still have interests of my own that I talk and study about. Some of that trickles down. It's enough.


I think you might have hit the nail on the head. I sometimes forget that if I am interested in something, that will guarantee my littlies will be excited too.


It is hard in the thick of things to remember to simply be ourselves.




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My oldest is 19, and my youngest is 9, and I don't have that many kids!


However, my answer is It depends. It depnds on the child and the activity and how invested they are.


If they love an activity or subject, I am there, no question. If they are conflicted or not interested, I am less likely to move heaven and earth.


I am sure that does not help.

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I have an almost 19 year spread, but I seem to have the opposite problem: I would love to sit and play with the little ones and read to them and take them outside but I don't have time.


Me too!! And this is probably why I am so frustrated!! I know these two little guys are my last ones...and I SOOOO want to enjoy them...but with the older guys schedules, homeschooling, job commitments, I find myself feeling pulled in so many directions. We have 3 teens...and just keeping up with their jobs, school, social agenda and MOODS...oy vey!!!!! Add to that an aging mother and 10 year old dd....and a married dd who still needs Mommy time.


I just want to sit and color and do puzzles and finger games...but I can't...and I feel frustrated!!!!





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I think you might have hit the nail on the head. I sometimes forget that if I am interested in something, that will guarantee my littlies will be excited too.


It is hard in the thick of things to remember to simply be ourselves.





this works with all ages of dc too!

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:grouphug:My oldest dd is 28 tomorrow, ds 19 and my baby dd is 12 next month. With such an age difference I feel we have started out three times. I am lucky in a way because I have had the great deal of time with each child when they where young before the next one came a long. It couldn’t have been any other way for me or I would be another Dugger family (I so wanted a large family). If I could, I would still be having kids. My oldest has a ds 5; she is interested in doing a lot of kiddy things and almost always includes my youngest dd. My oldest and I suffer from chronic illness so at times we need to trade off so the kids can do things outside the house.

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Well, our ages span only from an almost-17-year-old, to a just-turned-5-year-old --so you've put in a lot more time than I. Kudos to you!!


Anyway, even though my kids ages don't range quite as widely as yours, I felt the need to "find the fun" again this year, too. One of the things that has helped me has been just to make the most of even brief opportunities for play throughout the day. Rather than not coloring because I don't have much time, I try to make the most of those little 5-minute windows of opportunity to do so, kwim?


Another addition this year was the purchase of a wee sing CD of childhood songs and games. We take a very brief break in the morning and play one of the games or sing along/act out the songs. Yes. I already knew most of the songs and games, but it has helped to just have a variety already laid out to use. My youngest two love are loving this, and even my two middlers sometimes join in!


I also purchased a few childhood classic books (like Raggedy Ann and Millly-Molly-Mandy) that I had never read to my older kids. This way, although we had literally hundreds of wonderful books to choose from already, I have a few new "adventures" to enjoy with my last two kiddoes.

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I have a 16 year spread. The littles get up early and the older one want to start talking at 10p.m.! The thing that has really helped me with the littles is to be involved in a co-op. This year I am in a small co-op of 6 families. I have the oldest kids (again) but we are doing poetry, drama, and grammar, etc. The littles and middles are doing geo, science, art, " memory work. It's been great to have a day devoted to more unit studies and things the littles are into. I feel bad that it's a "wasted day" almost academically for my older kids and was actually really struggling with that last week. But my dh stepped in and reminded me that I need to get out, the little kids need focused on and we always have Saturday's for homeschool, too. So, we continue to do co-op. And, I have made notebooks for my 5 yo this year. She is loving it. It means "real school" to her and that she is included.

I also do a lot of our read-aloud reading outside at the swingset when it's nice. My 5 yo can play and the kids can swing and it all works.

I have my older kids participate in memory work and timelines.

It's a hard balance. I'll be interested in reading what everyone else has to say.

:grouphug: as you care for your kiddos!

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