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At what age do you stop copywork?


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How often do you do it as the dc get older? My dd10 still does it every day, along with a written narration or letter. Should I drop or cut back on the copywork and add other writing?





I would just cut back and turn it into dictation.....


I just came back from Catherine Levisons workshop Saturday and according to her and Charlotte Mason, their students (children) continued dictation till then end.


Catherine's suggestion was to show the child what was going to be dictated.... they needed to read it every day and look at it.... then come Friday, they actually did the lesson. High School students dictate up to 3 pages of>>> what have you.... my kids would revolt.... but we have done little dictation....


Catherine also pulled the weeks spelling words from what ever was dicated.... She would discuss it w/ said child and they would decide together what the child could not spell... she would choose between 3 and 5 words....


Just a thought... HTH~:)

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My ds12 continues to do copywork as handwriting practice, along with dictations and narrations. He is a reluctant writer but he is getting better, and his handwriting is finally becoming beautiful, so i am continuing teh copywork until he can write neatly, more quickly.

It may eventually get crowded out by other writing, but I will keep it going as long as it seems to help. My daughter hasnt done copywork for quite a while because it does get crowded out by her other work- she enjoys it though when she does do it.

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