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Audible on a Kindle Fire? Speaker for a Kindle Fire?


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I would like to get an Audible subscription as a gift for my mom.  She loves to attend lectures, and to listen to NPR, and she travels a lot.  I thought that she would enjoy listening to lectures about her destinations.


But, she doesn't have an iPod, iPad or smartphone, and she's not great at new technology.  She's mastered the Kindle Fire.  Can she listen to Audible on there?  Also, are there speakers for a Kindle Fire so she can put on a lecture while she's cooking etc . . . ?

Finally, if you gift a subscription, how does that work, exactly?  I have gifted it to my son for years, but it's linked to my email.

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Amazon owns Audible.  Audible is easy to use on the Fire.  In fact, you can listen to the Audible version at the same time you read the Kindle version and it highlights a few words at a time as it reads to you (immersion reading).  My son with dyslexia does that with most of his school books.  Yes, there are speakers on the Fire.  It's a tablet just like the iPad or Samsung Galaxy.  I've never gifted a subscription to Audible so I don't know how that works.

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I have a fire and the speakers are great, surprisingly good in fact. I prefer the sound from my kindle fire to the sound from my iphone.


I also have a jam jar bluetooth speaker and have, on occasion, connected my kindle fire to it and it also worked very well. But, it wasn't necessary, I only used it when I was listening and walking around the house (cleaning the house etc) and I wanted the sound to follow me from room to room, but not carry the kindle around.


If I want to listen to music or a podcast over my phone I almost always use my bluetooth speaker because the sound is so much better with the jamjar. The kindle fire is fine on its own without the added speaker.


I can't speak to a subscription, but I bet it is easy. Amazon owns Audible, so I am sure they have it figured out. That would be a really nice gift for someone who listens to a lot of audio books, btw.

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Audible works great.

Also, the x-boom speakers work beautifully for iPods and use a headphone jack so I'm sure they work on Fire.  




That looks great.  Can you recharge it from a wall plug?  A lot of these things reference charging from your laptop, but she doesn't have a laptop.  Can she just plug it into an outlet?


Will it be loud enough for her to move around her apartment, and still hear it?

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One more question. She has the very first Kindle Fire, from when it first came out. Would it have bluetooth? Or do I need to find one that connects to the headphone port?

I see someone has answered your question about Bluetooth but if there's any chance that she would need *tech support* I would go with wired speakers anyway. Bluetooth can be finicky but wired speakers are a no-brainer.
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