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Oglethorpe U? Birmingham-Southern?


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Would love any specific feedback about either or these two schools.  Ds likes the small LAC aspect.  But, they both also have access to a major city which is unlike some other LACs. 


We have visited Birmingham-Southern but have not made it to Oglethorpe,  I think both will provide enough merit aid to put them in line with our state schools so these are realistic financially (as opposed to some of the more prestigious LAC in the region).


Small schools that many people have not heard of so it is hard to get much feedback. Would love to hear about it if anyone had any experience with either school. I am interested in any information (good/bad/academics/party scene/safety, etc.)


Ds is most likely interested in going into business.  He is easy going.  He leans conservative politically but has all kinds of friends and is pretty easy going and not bothered by people with different ideas.  


All thoughts welcome!


Thank you.



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Ds applied to Oglethorpe and he just got an acceptance.  It's sort of local for us, and the only LAC in the area that appealed to him.  We been regulars at Georgia Shakespeare for years so the campus holds a fond place in our hearts, but I'm really not familiar with the culture.  We didn't get a chance to officially tour before, but now that he's gotten his acceptance, we're going to take some more time to learn about something besides the theater program.


My brother lives in the Brookhaven area and I would say it is a relatively safe area for part of a big city.  Campus is definitely insular and safe, but it's tiny so I imagine the students venture out a good bit.  

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We are going to try to get to Oglethorpe very soon.  This week or next hopefully.  It is only 2 hours from here.


I don't know much about Oglethorpe but we are intrigued.  Ds really likes the small LAC but he is interested in business so access to Atlanta seems like a great advantage while still having a small campus somewhat set off.  My brother used to work near there and he described it as being in a fairly safe, hip, fun area of the city.  


Let me know if you find out anything interesting or take a visit!

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No personal experience, but Birmingham Southern has an excellent reputation (grew up in the area). I know several people who attended back when... Some now have dc there. All seem to have liked the school and be doing well. One of my girls considered it, but it is a bit far from home for them. The only negative is that the campus is in a horrific area. It is fenced and gated and well-policed. I do not know of any problems on the actual campus, but dc need to know where not to go (in a car or on foot/ever!) when they leave the gate. You go straight to the interstate from campus.

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No personal experience, but Birmingham Southern has an excellent reputation (grew up in the area). I know several people who attended back when... Some now have dc there. All seem to have liked the school and be doing well. One of my girls considered it, but it is a bit far from home for them. The only negative is that the campus is in a horrific area. It is fenced and gated and well-policed. I do not know of any problems on the actual campus, but dc need to know where not to go (in a car or on foot/ever!) when they leave the gate. You go straight to the interstate from campus.


This is our impression.  We did make a quick visit but got directly off the interstate and was on campus and we went straight back to the interstate.  I didn't really want to check out the area based on what I had heard.


I do have the impression the actual campus is extremely safe. Ds actually applied to some schools in similarly urban areas but with very open campuses that are not so secure.  


Thank you!!

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This is our impression.  We did make a quick visit but got directly off the interstate and was on campus and we went straight back to the interstate.  I didn't really want to check out the area based on what I had heard.


I do have the impression the actual campus is extremely safe. Ds actually applied to some schools in similarly urban areas but with very open campuses that are not so secure.  


Thank you!!

The day we visited the campus, probably during the time we were there, there were two shootings (one death) within a block of campus. That scared one of my girls/she crossed it off the list immediately. The other kept it on her list for a long time.

Edited by Lolly
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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Bumping this thread again, because Oglethorpe is now looking affordable for us (if we can get the exemption for him to live at home).  


teachermom2834, did you get a chance to visit?  Is it still an option on your list?


I've found a couple of sites that have student reviews:




We are going to try to go this week or next.  I know someone who lives near campus, and he loves its community involvement, the lectures, the library, and the museum.  Our lawyer is an alum, so I'm going to try to set up some time this week for ds to see him.



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Yes! It actually looks like it will be the winner for ds. Which is funny because it was the last school that really hit our radar and we had never heard of it.


We did go for a quick weekday visit. I left not really having any better sense of it. I think it was a combination of a very bad tour guide and general burnout on the college visit thing. But ds went back for scholarship weekend with my dh and they both came back with a good impression. Ds is also an athletic recruit so that is a big part of his general impression. He liked the coaches and players and athletic set up.


There is just a lot to like from the point of view of my ds. He wants the small school experience but likes the access to Atlanta. He liked everyone he met working the scholarship weekend. He is interested in business and was very impressed with the business students and alumni he met. Seems they have a pretty good setup for internships in Atlanta and those are available even to underclassmen.


His test scores are very high for there and I think he feels like he could really do well there. We are going back next weekend for his official athletic visit. He will stay with the team overnight and dh and I will check out the area and stay in a hotel. If he still likes it after that it will be a done deal I think.


It is a quirky place. interesting in that while being a small liberal arts school it is very diverse. Racially, economically, etc. Ds was assured by most students he talked to (not just athletes) that they will really work with you on finances. Also seems there are lots of opportunities to pick up extra cash once you are there. DS did win a nice scholarship and will get an out of state grant but we are hoping for just a bit more aid. Hopefully we will get that info this week.


Ask if you have any more specific questions and I will see if one of us can answer. Would also love for anyone else to chime in.

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Just a bit more- it just seems to be coming together for ds. It is in a big city but a very upscale relatively safe area. So he has big city opportunities but lives in his small college bubble. He would not need a car. There is a church he can walk to. It is only two hours from home which is perfect for him. It feels confortable there. He likes the private LACs but many have the country club feel that isn't really comfortable for him. Even though he is a white male athlete business major- he prefers the diversity that is at Oglethorpe.

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I have had a couple of students go to Oglethorpe to play soccer. They have been well taken care of by the coach and the team. They were all first generation high school graduates. (Some were first generation elementary school completers, too.) From finding housing for summer to navigating college, I have been impressed with how well they were treated.


It is nestled in a nice area. My DH's office is not too far from there.

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I have had a couple of students go to Oglethorpe to play soccer. They have been well taken care of by the coach and the team. They were all first generation high school graduates. (Some were first generation elementary school completers, too.) From finding housing for summer to navigating college, I have been impressed with how well they were treated.


It is nestled in a nice area. My DH's office is not too far from there.

Thanks! Good info. This fits with my impression but I am just operating on gut feel so stories like this are helpful.

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