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Programming Courses

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My daughter is taking a one semester self-paced python course through FundaFunda this year and is really enjoying it.  What should she consider next?  I see AOPS has an intermediate python programming course and PA homeschoolers has AP CS using Java.  Are there any other courses we should be looking at?

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One of my DDs is taking an online course in computer science offered to high school students by Purdue University.  It is being offered free, which still stuns me, and is covering the same material that is covered in their first semester computer science course but stretched over two semesters for the high school students.  The lecture is a video recording but they have quite a few people (at least one instructor and I believe some grad students as well as undergrads who have had the course and done well) signed up to provide assistance to students as they need it through a message board system.


The lectures don't always cover everything a student needs to know to successfully complete the assignments but DD is getting all the support she needs from the message board support. I've been impressed so far.  No idea if this is offered every year but we will definitely be keeping our eyes open in case a follow up course is offered.

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One of my DDs is taking an online course in computer science offered to high school students by Purdue University. It is being offered free, which still stuns me, and is covering the same material that is covered in their first semester computer science course but stretched over two semesters for the high school students. The lecture is a video recording but they have quite a few people (at least one instructor and I believe some grad students as well as undergrads who have had the course and done well) signed up to provide assistance to students as they need it through a message board system.


The lectures don't always cover everything a student needs to know to successfully complete the assignments but DD is getting all the support she needs from the message board support. I've been impressed so far. No idea if this is offered every year but we will definitely be keeping our eyes open in case a follow up course is offered.

Wow, this looks great! I will definitely keep an eye out for this for the next school year. Thank you!

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DS used Teen Coder and self studied using Litvin's prep book and got a 5 on the CS AP last year. I think RegGuheert on this board teaches an AP class using Teen Coder too.


If I had to do it over again, I'd probably have him do the Purdue class, because hello, it's free and also so he could interact with other people about the material, but it wasn't offered last year. He did well with the Teen Coder though and I'd have him do it again if Purdue wasn't an option.

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DS used Teen Coder and self studied using Litvin's prep book and got a 5 on the CS AP last year. I think RegGuheert on this board teaches an AP class using Teen Coder too.


If I had to do it over again, I'd probably have him do the Purdue class, because hello, it's free and also so he could interact with other people about the material, but it wasn't offered last year. He did well with the Teen Coder though and I'd have him do it again if Purdue wasn't an option.

It's good to hear your son did so well on the AP exam after using Teen Coder. That's another option I just started looking into, but it seems to get a lot of mixed reviews. It is appealing because dd could start it in January once her Python class is over and then just take her time with it.
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