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s/o Algebra question

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So, my child took Algebra I last year, did so-so, maybe a low B (I can't remember), then worked with a tutor over the summer on algebra concepts. Part of the summer tutoring was to determine if we should go ahead with Geometry in 9th or do another round of Algebra I. The tutor felt like the understanding of algebra was there and that another year might not be the best thing, so we went ahead with an on-line Geometry class. The math is not beyond my child's understanding, but remembering all of the theorems, definitions and rules is proving challenging. The educational testing pointed to a high mathematical reasoning ability, but difficulty with concepts like math facts, so it is not surprising that there is struggle learning those important pieces like theorems.


I think it would be good for us to hit Algebra again in some form or fashion. We have already signed up and paid for this on-line class and cannot make changes without losing the money we have paid, so I would rather not drop the Geometry class. What would be a good program to go through Algebra I again? Lial's has been done, so I think something else would be best to hit those concepts again. Saxon? Teaching Textbooks? Key to Algebra books? I want something that is going to get it done in a pretty straight forward way. I don't want to add a whole bunch to the already burdensome workload, so this would be something we probably worked on toward the end of the year and over the summer. 

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Since he has already done Alg1 and been tutored in it, why don't you look at Aleks (online) to use as a review? They have a free trial period where he could try it out. It is particularly good for keeping fresh. Also realize that Alg2 will be reviewing the concepts from alg1, it goes through much faster, but it is there.

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I recommend doing the Algebra 1 review/redo over the summer (maybe winter break also). Concentrate on the Geometry now.

The textbook should match future goals.  Possible STEM major should consider using Foerster.


The overall trend in Algebra 2 today is to spend less time reviewing Algebra 1 topics if you will be taking a "formal" course.  How much time does Derek Owens spend on review?

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I would not go through the entire algebra 1 course again. I'd test through something like Foerster. Take the chapter test. If A, proceed to next chapter. If B/C, reteach any missed problems and work the chapter review problems as well. If D/F, work the entire chapter.

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I would not go through the entire algebra 1 course again. I'd test through something like Foerster. Take the chapter test. If A, proceed to next chapter. If B/C, reteach any missed problems and work the chapter review problems as well. If D/F, work the entire chapter.

I had not thought of that, but it is a great idea. 


Thank you all so much for the great suggestions.

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My daughter did fine in Foerster algebra last year. Not great, but certainly okay. She's doing fine in geometry (Jacobs) this year too -- but she's sort of forgetting basic algebra. To remedy this, I've added in a light algebra review using Saxon algebra 1 - just a half lesson per day. It's been working pretty well so far.

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