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Ohio State information


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We live in a suburb of Columbus, so my son is also applying.  I have a friend whose homeschooled daughter just started at OSU this fall, so I know they have accepted at least one homeschooled student....lol!!  I have also heard that OSU is not overly generous with money, but the only way you will know for sure is to have your daughter apply.  They do have some decent competitive scholarships, but I don't think they give out a bunch.  I am thinking the most my son will get is about $6,000/year, but we will see.  Hopefully someone from out of state will reply with their experience.

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  • 5 months later...

Bumping my own thread for new information from this year's application cycle :D


The NPC asked for ACT/SAT, class ranking %, and state of residence. The results are in-line with what dd needs, assuming she'd be awarded the merit scholarship(s) listed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would not consider Ohio State homeschool friendly just based on the fact that they require a diploma from a chartered high school or else the GED.  This is listed under "under additional requirements" from the following link:   http://undergrad.osu.edu/admissions/freshman/index.html?expandable=0


IMHO, if a student scores well on the SAT or ACT there shouldn't be additional hoops to jump through.


In the past, scholarships were awarded to get freshman in the door but then were greatly reduced in future years.  My sister had this experience but it has been a number of years ago.  My hubby and I are both alum, local from Ohio but we didn't have scholarships when we attended.   We are disappointed that Ohio State is not making it easy for our son to want to attend compared to some other engineering schools.  That said, not every place offers what you are looking for.  Some times you have to go where the majors are.  


If aid doesn't come your way, would it be possible for dd to move there, work a year to gain residency? In essence, take a gap year.  Then you wouldn't have out of state tuition...



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I would not consider Ohio State homeschool friendly just based on the fact that they require a diploma from a chartered high school or else the GED.  This is listed under "under additional requirements" from the following link:   http://undergrad.osu...ml?expandable=0



I called OSU during my son's junior year, and admissions assured me that homeschool applicants do NOT need a special diploma or the GED (their website needs to be updated).  DS applied early this past fall and he was accepted to the honors program and the pre-engineering program before many others (I kept tabs on this through CC).  DS received a $5,700/year merit scholarship (what we expecting....see my post above).  The rest of our financial aid was loans only (but we have a pretty high EFC).  We are in-state (20 min from OSU!).


From the kids posting on CC, it seems OSU does pay attention to class rank (top 25% or higher), test scores (at least a 28 ACT, but kids with a 30 were being turned down), and GPA (3.5+ seems to be preferred).  Obviously as homeschoolers, we don't have a class rank, and that does not seem to matter.


If your child has good stats, it really seems OSU gives good money for OOS students (according to CC).  Most OOS with good stats get the Natl Buckeye Scholarship ($11,400) and the Maximus ($5700).  These are both renewable for 4 years with a 2.5 GPA.  Make sure your dd applies early to get the scholarships.  OSU does run out of money, so making the November deadline is important.


We love OSU (husband graduated from OSU and our kids swim for the Ohio State Swim Club).  But ds really wants to go away to school and will be going to the University of Alabama this fall thanks to their National Merit Scholarship.


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If your child has good stats, it really seems OSU gives good money for OOS students (according to CC). Most OOS with good stats get the Natl Buckeye Scholarship ($11,400) and the Maximus ($5700). These are both renewable for 4 years with a 2.5 GPA. Make sure your dd applies early to get the scholarships. OSU does run out of money, so making the November deadline is important.

Thanks! We won't be able to visit until September. She knows she'll need to apply asap for the merit money.

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Mileage may vary with Ohio State.  Maybe the Ag Engineering dept needs updating too because last summer when we visited they told us we needed a diploma.  However, we didn't talk with admissions.  We bypassed admissions and went straight to particular department visits since we are familiar with OSU.

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From this page on the OSU website:



Provide one of the following documents that will indicate the student's high school completion status when the student begins college:


[lists various options such as a HS diploma, a HS transcript showing evidence of graduation, a GED, etc. plus this:]


For a homeschooled student in a state where state law does not require the student to obtain a secondary school completion credential for homeschool (other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a transcript or the equivalent signed by the student's parent or guardian, that lists the secondary school courses completed and includes a statement that the student successfully completed a secondary school education in a homeschool setting.





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