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Exercise Thread- October 18th - 24th


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Rest Day for me- though I'm going to throw in a slow and easy stretch session:  I watched Ronda Rousey doing this opening shoulder routine (it's near the beginning and she used a short staff); I tried it yesterday morning- it felt fabulous and after all my bush and tree cutting of yesterday afternoon my shoulders and arms need some serious love.

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I had planned on running today, because I wasn't able to run yesterday, but when I got up I could tell I needed yoga instead.  So I did a nice 90 minute vinyassa class from YogaGlo.  I also took a lovely 4 mile walk.  It's 60 and sunny.  The park looked so pretty.  The leaves are changing and the sunlight was sparkling on the pond.  Since I normally run in the morning I usually only see mist on the pond. 

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I did 30 mins on my nordic track and will do 30 mins of tracy anderson when the kids go off to rehearsal.  Right now they are between class and rehearsal so I have to wait, lol.


And we had our first snowy day yesterday.  :crying:


I cannot fathom snow in October!  


Same old same old: tonight- 2 MMA classes.

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90 minute hot yoga class this morning, and I also got in a brisk 2 mile walk.  I'm trying to enjoy every beautiful fall day that I can!


I'm on day 5 of recording what I eat.  Over the past few months I've gotten into a bad habit of eating too much in the evening. I'll do fine all day, but I'll start eating dinner and can't seem to stop.  Also, probably a little too much wine. :)  All of that put 5lb on me, mostly to my hips and thighs.  So I decided to start recording my food again, in order to stop myself from pointless snacking and binging at night.  It's not too hard not to snack, but oh my, I want to binge in the evening. By tracking, I can see that I've eaten enough and I need to stop.  But wow, I forgot what a pain in the rear it is to track everything, especially when most of your food is homemade.  I figure I need to do this for a few weeks, in order to stop the binge cycle.  But right now, I just feel hungry!  I want more food!  Blah.  I made some tea, and I'm done in the kitchen, so hopefully, I'll make it through the evening. 

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No snow since that first one..but more will show up. It always does. But there was that winter year three years ago when we had a blizzard for Halloween and then no snow again until April.  Gotta love climate change.


I did 2 miles in 20 mins on my NT and then a "30" min workout that took me closer to 50 mins, lol. I was doing the best I could to keep up, but it was hard!

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Never got to workout yesterday but apparently my body needed the break. Got my hour long cardio class in tonight but sadly pulled my hamstring at the beginning of it. I continued the class by slightly modifying things but it sure does hurt now!


Take care- pulled hamstrings are the worst!


90 minute hot yoga class this morning, and I also got in a brisk 2 mile walk.  I'm trying to enjoy every beautiful fall day that I can!


I'm on day 5 of recording what I eat.  Over the past few months I've gotten into a bad habit of eating too much in the evening. I'll do fine all day, but I'll start eating dinner and can't seem to stop.  Also, probably a little too much wine. :)  All of that put 5lb on me, mostly to my hips and thighs.  So I decided to start recording my food again, in order to stop myself from pointless snacking and binging at night.  It's not too hard not to snack, but oh my, I want to binge in the evening. By tracking, I can see that I've eaten enough and I need to stop.  But wow, I forgot what a pain in the rear it is to track everything, especially when most of your food is homemade.  I figure I need to do this for a few weeks, in order to stop the binge cycle.  But right now, I just feel hungry!  I want more food!  Blah.  I made some tea, and I'm done in the kitchen, so hopefully, I'll make it through the evening. 

I feel your pain.  Part of my year long black belt testing is giving up sweets with just a few cheat days.  The testing doesn't technically start till January but I thought I'd go ahead and give up sugar.  Evidently I'm a carb addict.  It's killing me and I can't seem to get enough food without my medicinal chocolate.

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Never got to workout yesterday but apparently my body needed the break. Got my hour long cardio class in tonight but sadly pulled my hamstring at the beginning of it. I continued the class by slightly modifying things but it sure does hurt now!


Take care- pulled hamstrings are the worst!


90 minute hot yoga class this morning, and I also got in a brisk 2 mile walk.  I'm trying to enjoy every beautiful fall day that I can!


I'm on day 5 of recording what I eat.  Over the past few months I've gotten into a bad habit of eating too much in the evening. I'll do fine all day, but I'll start eating dinner and can't seem to stop.  Also, probably a little too much wine. :)  All of that put 5lb on me, mostly to my hips and thighs.  So I decided to start recording my food again, in order to stop myself from pointless snacking and binging at night.  It's not too hard not to snack, but oh my, I want to binge in the evening. By tracking, I can see that I've eaten enough and I need to stop.  But wow, I forgot what a pain in the rear it is to track everything, especially when most of your food is homemade.  I figure I need to do this for a few weeks, in order to stop the binge cycle.  But right now, I just feel hungry!  I want more food!  Blah.  I made some tea, and I'm done in the kitchen, so hopefully, I'll make it through the evening. 

I feel your pain.  Part of my year long black belt testing is giving up sweets with just a few cheat days.  The testing doesn't technically start till January but I thought I'd go ahead and give up sugar.  Evidently I'm a carb addict.  It's killing me and I can't seem to get enough food without my medicinal chocolate.

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Take care- pulled hamstrings are the worst!


I feel your pain.  Part of my year long black belt testing is giving up sweets with just a few cheat days.  The testing doesn't technically start till January but I thought I'd go ahead and give up sugar.  Evidently I'm a carb addict.  It's killing me and I can't seem to get enough food without my medicinal chocolate.



I do love my chocolate.  I usually eat 1 Trader Joe's dark chocolate carmel after dinner.  It's my treat.  I also like making a raw pudding from Oh She Glows, which is made using bananas, avocado, and almond butter (plus cocoa).  It's yummy, but super high in calories.  

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Lovely 4 mile run this morning.  I woke up feeling yucky (favorite time of month  :glare: ) and it was so foggy, but after dropping of my kids I went for my run.  It felt so good. I even had music for the first time in months. My headphones had broke, so I just did without.  I don't always run with music, just once in awhile, but some days it really helps.  I bought a pair of Yurbuds yesterday and they're great.  I had a pair of Skullcandy ones that were at least 4 years old, but these new ones don't hurt at all, stay in well, and have a little bit longer cord, which is good for threading through my clothes.  So I was able to listen to Imagine Dragons while running around the park, which was nice.  And my legs felt so good.  My runs are finally good feeling and not torture.:)


I also came home and did a little strength work.  I had stopped doing that in order to focus on yoga, but decided it was time to add a little back in.  My goal is twice a week.  I just did 3 sets of 15 kettlebell swings, 3 squats, 3 presses, 5 rows and a 30 sec plank.  It was good. 

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Oooo, sweat proof earbuds! Dh is running through earbuds (second or third pair so far) like crazy. His recent pair started cutting out yesterday so I'll have to check out the Yurbuds.



They were on sale at Target, which is what persuaded me to get them, they were 16.99 for the "traditional" ones, a bit more for the magnet ones or one with the mic. :) 


I'm not a pink person, but I bought the grey and pink ones so no one else in my house will take them.  :D

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My first 5K race is over! According to my app, I ran my fastest pace yet. Not quite according to the official results. Ready for the next! Probably not this particular race, though. Wasn't impressed with how they handled the logistics.


Congratulations!  How exciting!  

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My first 5K race is over! According to my app, I ran my fastest pace yet. Not quite according to the official results. Ready for the next! Probably not this particular race, though. Wasn't impressed with how they handled the logistics.


I hope Mamaraby doens't mind but in case any of you missed the last posts from Saturday- I thought Mamaraby's first race being done was worth bringing forward to this week:) 



Today is a rest day for me- just some light walking and light stretching and lots of coffee.  


Edited to add- that here I went and put this on the old week- grrrr, needed more coffee before posting.

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